What are good mutiplayer RPGs worth playing on the PS3? So far I got Borderlands and Eternal Sonata. Do you guys know if Star Ocean is mutiplayer?
nc72689's forum posts
I know you can only use 55/60GB of memory, but when I actually counted everything I am only able to use 40-45GB of memory, so the PS3 is using 10-15GB more memory. Is this normal?
What are good games and RPGs to play with girlfriend?
PSP or DS, and why?
Don't talk about 3DS, I will get it when it comes out.
I've been wondering the samething too! The gun fights in GTA4 is horrible, driving is worst than real life, boring story, and you do pointless things. I really enjoyed 3rd person shooters like Uncharted and Red Faction (very similar to GTA but much better gameplay). I wonder if Red Dead Redemption is just another pointless GTA game with a different theme. Can anyone help me answer that question?
If you want a shooter to enjoy get Red Faction. It's only $20 too!
Isn't it just Grand Theft Auto in wild west? There is also such a big hype about Grand Thef Auto, but honestly even though it's a great and fun game but it gets boring pretty quick. Go here, do this, kill that, and repeat. Is this game just like Grand Theft Auto or more? I really want a great game to enjoy, but I do not want to buy another Grand Theft Auto. Thanks...
So far the only two I bought are Super Puzzle Fighter and Zombie Apocalypse.
Are there any must gets that I need to know? It would be a huge plus if it supports more than one player.
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