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ndf98765 Blog

Delayed DLC Disappointment

Much to my chagrin, the Fable 2 DLC due on Monday has been delayed, thanks to GS for letting me know.

So, my Monday off work will be spent wrapping Christmas presents and completing Dead Space. Maybe soon I'll get a chance to play GoW 2 and Fallout 3 - both Special Editions sat still waiting to be played! I know, that's just not on, but when I get into a game, I play it to death and move onto the next one!

Anyway, work to do so I'll keep this one sort and sweet.

There must be another way....

...to make a living, aside from commuting 3 hours a day into the middle of London? Not one that I can think of, that's legal at least.

Oh well - it's Christmas soon, I keep telling myself. Could be worse - I could be out of a job entirely - and I need money to fund my gaming habits!

The mortgage and bills are of course, a secondary (and far more minor) consideration. I wish!

Note to self - book Monday off for some 'alone time' with Fable 2 expansion pack.

PS Cat has not turned into Necromorph and tried to eat me although my girlfriend has threatened similar - I hope she was joking....!

Dead Space and Cats

My new cat loves Dead Space. This alarms me slightly; I can almost envisage coming home from work to some odd Necromorph feline intent on sucking my brains out.

Or maybe I'm just playing Dead Space too much...not possible, surely? Well, I want to get through it so I can pick up Fallout 3. More hours spent on the Xbox to come, I'll wager.....