First... I now own a DS Lite, I don't use the GBA slot (except for a Spongebob GBA game my son has) and GH:OT (now I have GH: Decades too) and just got an R4 w/ an 8gb microSDHC. THIS thing... is full of bark, but NO byte ;) The 'browser' that was promised is only a file/card browser, so an external (read: extra $$) browser/add-on will be needed, plus, yep, still only supports WEP (pitiful). Next, I'm sure that Nin. Inc. has 'crippled' the SD slot, @ the very least to not support SDHC (so max. size is 2gb = less 'backups'/piracy) The 'media' player only supports AAC and proprietary vid format too... but w/ only 2gb who would go to the trouble of converting movies? 3 full-length's and the card would be full. The cameras' are CRAP! I also own a Nokia N800 Internet Tablet (which the 'new' features of the DSi bear a striking resemblance to the N800's 'basic' functionality, plus a higher price tag), and the camera on that is spring loaded and swivels either to the front or back... not a hard concept (guess it was to Nin. apparently) and it RECORDS audio/video... hmm, another thing DSi is missing. New AC adapter... great! And not only that, but it gets 5.2v... not 5v like almost EVERY other 'usb' charged device... more accessories, great. So, screen SIZE, not necessarily resolution, is larger. No more (un)obtrusive GBA slot, TWO horrible cameras' for snap-shots only, and a smaller battery - powering 'newer' hardware... jeez, can I pre-order this now?? I'd spend $400 on it! Oh wait, after buying it and the required accessories, yep, bout right. If ur w/o a DS @ all and want one (why?) go for it... else get a lite for ~$100 and a M3, R4, or ANY of the homebrew devices and a large microSDHC card (support up to 32GB currently) and carry around JUST the DS Lite, and have access to all ur games (DS & GBA), music - actual mp3 support wow!, and vidz w/ the free moonshell program... AND a freely available net browser. Total cost? Prolly around the cost of just the DSi, no case, headphones, etc. Sry for the rant... but ppl come on. U know why Nintendo is releasing this?? Cause the sheep will flock. Worthless or not, make it *sound* good and they'll fly off the shelves, Wii's STILL are on back order here. Not only cheaper to produce, but I'm sure they've got better security/protection making backups/homebrew difficult for anyone until a group releases a tidy little card... Nd
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