I have had this really weird error on my new PS3 slim. IT sucks up disks and doesn't eject them. Is this common? I googled it and found that there is a manual eject thing underneath that you have to use a screwdriver with. Is there a fix for this I can do myself? I am sick of having to get out the screwdriver to changce disks...
ndrliang's forum posts
I have played both Gears 2 and Resistnace 2. And yet I am dissappointed in both of them. I am not comparing, because they dissappoint me in totally different ways.\
Resistance 2 is a hudge improvment over the first one and has new origional ideas. The gameplay is alot better, less running and gunning and more reliance on accuracy, boss fights are great, and new multiplayer modes are a great addition. However the story is incoherent and very choppy, you go from California, to Utah, to Louisiana randomly. Also, the game lacks \polish, there are some weird AI issues everyonce in a while,graphics are not the best, and weird physics sometimes (a gun got caught in mid air in one of the cutscenes, weirdest thing I have seen.)
Now Gears 2 is the exact opposite, it has that polish, and a stronger story than Gears 1. Howe\ver, I feel like I am playing the same game I did 2 years ago. The gameplay is almost the exact same. Shields, more enemies, and a few new weapons can't cover up that for such an important title, it just does not quite deliver. Most of all, Horde mode is really over rated. Multiplayer is still great though. It just feels the same and I fear it will grow too repetative since I played the first one to death.
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