I really should be in bed. My nearly 5month old daughter is sleeping (yeah!) and I've only gotten about an hour of sleep earlier, but for some dumb reason I just don't like to sleep.
I know I need to sleep, but I just don't like the idea of missing out on time I could be doing other things: playing games, watching movies, playing with my dogs, surfing the net, etc.
Though, I haven't really played much for video games as of lately. I got pretty far in Brothers In Arms: Road to Hill 30 about 6-8 months back and then stopped playing for some reason. I started that game up again - I'd have to say it's one of my favorite FPS I've played. I hope the new Brothers in Arms is just as good or better.
I still have yet to beat so many games....Crysis, Dark Star One, NWN2, Company of Heroes, Rainbow 6: Vegas, Might and Magic: Heroes V, Blacksite Area 51 (game crashed on me about 1/2 of the way through, couldn't get it to work....should try again sometime), No One Lives Forever 2, Wizardy 8, Freelancer (game glitched about 4/5 the way through, couldn't progress the storyline - will have to re-install and play again), Spell Force....
That's just a small list of all the games I own that I haven't beat. I've got another 2-3 dozen games I need to beat.
At least I haven't bought anymore games lately....I need to finish what I have. Except I'll probably pick up the new STLAKER sometime soon (once it comes out)....
Damn....daughter is up