i guess i'm done thinking about this whole "greatest Game Hero" shtick. yelling about it is frustrating.
So the last epic battle commences, Mario against Gordon Freeman, and for the first time in the entire competition (i think. i havn't done my homework on this one, so this statement may be wrong) Mario isn't dominating his opponent in the polls.
I think. I think it may be a good will gesture towards GF for making it this far, it has to be right? i mean, if Iwata had wanted Mario to win, he would have programed every computer in Japan to vote for Mario, right? Right?
Probably not, its lazy sunday, i'm stuffed full of turkey(tommarow is Canadian Thanksgiving) and i'm not in the mood to think, instead i turn the keyboard your way. Why do you think GF is winning now? Is GF gonna win? what part of Japan will Iwata destroy if Mario loses?
also, as the title promised: ph'nglui mglw'nath Cthulu R'yleh wgah'nagl fhtagn