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Expecting:A Double fetcher

Expecting:A Double fetcher
Well this is a double fetcher.So I hope that ya'll like it.At any rate enjoy.

Desperate Corner
EP#5 Come In Stranger

Mrs.Frome has asked Susan to watch her cat while she is away.
Susan in turn finds a brake in at Mrs.Frome's house.A neighbor
hood watch is put in affect.Zach ends up braking in to the
Van De Camp's house.Lynnett trys inventive parenting to get
the twins into a new school.Gabrielle decides to use some old
tricks to steal some time with John.
Desprate Quotes
Mary Alice:)Mrs.Frome liked Susan. But it was common knowledge on Wisteria Lane,
were Susan Mayer went,bad luck was sure to fallow.
Bree:)Just because you didn't hear them fighting,dosen't mean they were happy.
Gabrielle:)No!And for the record I'm not one of those women who has a hole in her
heart that can only be filled by a baby.
Susan:)Honey I batted everything that wasn't nailed down. I'm tellin' ya nothing.
Lynnette:)Yes but by the time they realise their mistake,we'll be in.Your not having
ant more kids. Why do you care?
Quote Of The Episode
Family should always hug...{whispering...regardless of how they feel about each

Desperate Corner
EP#6 Running To Stand Still
Lynnett's twins are in a play,witch means that she is at odds with the alpha mom.
that's to bad for the alpha mom,because Lynnett don't take prisoners.Zach is in a
center for juvenile mantel health.Julie visits him while mom runs interference.this leads
to another piece in the puzzle of his mom's suicide.who is Dana?Gabrielle briefly
tricks Juanita into believing that she is not stepping out.

Desperate Quotes
Gabrielle:)Well,since I'm going to have to be doing the cooking and the cleaning and
the shopping just like the other wives,I'm going to be exhausted at night,just like all
those other wives.
Mary Alice:)Sadly for Juanita,she ignored the first rule of war...Never underestimate
your enemy.
Bree:)How much longer is your mid-life crisis going to last? Because it is really starting
to tick me off.
Lynnett:)Let's kill the damn wolf and just put on the best show we can.
Susan:)She was my friend,Julie and I owe it to her to find out the truth.

Quote Of The Episode

Actually,Carlos the more I watch her,the more I think she's not stepping out on you.

Sunny Dale Corner
EP#5 Never Kill A Boy On The First Date
Buffy and Giles finds a ring that lead them to a prophecy that runes a date with Owen.
Never fear the second date gets interrupted by Angel. Then Willow and Xander come
With dire news witch sets Buffy off with only Willow and Xander,or dos it? Low and
behold here's Owen to make matters worse for Buffy.She maneges to save Giles.
Owen almost gets killed and decides he likes the danger.This startling revaluation gets
Buffy to call it off with him.

Buffed Quotes
Buffy:)Oh.That's great,I kill them.You fence there stuff.
Giles:)I was beginning to suspect that was a myth.
Xander:)Oh,look,it's Owen.Buffy and Owen and Xander.That would be me.
Cordelia:)Well when your ready for the big leagues let me know.
Angel:)So you know,fine.I just thought I would warn you.
Willow:)Oh yeah,well,we knew it would happen eventually,so we figured,hay,why
fight it?
Quote Of The Episode
Insaneo Guy On The Bus

If there sin in there,there's sin all around.It's a liquid.

Sunny Dale Corner
EP#6 The Pack
Darn Xander is possessed by a hyena spirit.This causes Xander to act differently.He is
cruel to Willow and snifs Buffy alot.Xander and four outher students that also got
possessed eat a pig.This ultimately leads to the other four eating Principal Flutie.
And Xander Gets transpossessed and pretends not to remember anything.

Buffed Quotes
Xander:)Buffy this isn't just about looking at a bunch of animals.This is about not
being in c!@$$ Willow:)He makes my head go tingly.You know what I mean?
Buffy:)Oh grate.It's the winged monkeys.
Giles:)No.No,no,that's fine.You can just run along to ****..while I wait for the feeling
to return to my arms.
Quote Of The Episode
Principal Flutie
Did I ask you to speak?Ok,I ges I did,but I want the truth.
A Poem
Looking Back I See
Looking back I see.Just what you meant to me.Every time I was in doubt.You're
standing by my side so stout.Every pain that should have been mine.You took with
out a word,your blood and sweat entwine.the fire I should have felt you took to your
flesh and let it melt.When my life was at its darkest.You would tak the clouds and
weather the tempest.When she left and my heart spilled out so swift.You smiles and
filled my heart with your loving gift.When life was done and death came to me,my soul
forfeit.You took my place though I did not deserve it.Looking back I see what you
meant to me.You were my best friend,unfortunately only now I see I loved you the
same as you loved me.Life's greatest gift death toot from me.
A Poem
Lost Her
The child was mine.Her essence wrapped around my heartlike a vine.Her smiles and
laughter has filled me with happiness ever after.Her eyes so innocent and filled with
trust.She makes me love her so,and protect her I know I must.Her screams tern her
ever so red.her tears fill my heart with dread.I took pleaser in the simple things.I put
her to bed,I watcher sleep and my heart sings.When it came I fought and lost her I
miss you my Daughter.

Joey and Me
In October of 2003 Joey,his Brother,and Me start the move to jax.Fl.I figured this
should be a breeze.Wrong!!!!!!!!From the get go with the moving truck.Joey and
his Bro. were fighting.When I say FIGHTING what I mean is a no holds all out
screaming match.It surprised me soooo much that I walked away for a while.Now
mind you I had seen them have tiffs only and that was few and far between.So when
this hapened it was astonishing.I honestly didn't think them capable.I was wrong.
Anyway the trip got under way.things were cramped to say the least.We had a near
ascendant from his Bro.and me giving bad directions.This is of course trying to get
a truck and trailer out of a Waffle House parking lot.Finely we arive in Jax.Lets just
say we were all happy to see the end to the trip.None more than Joey who had to
drive the hole way him self.
Joey and Me
The trip part two.We had three days to find a place and return the truck that led us to
Waller St.One of our Happiest times.It definitely was not easy though.Between his Bro.
and finding jobs that just didn't last.Joey and me getting misleading jobs.And no
refrigerator.things Looked pretty bad.Soon though Joey got a job.Not to long after that I
got a job and things just got better.

About Me
Feb. 6th 1997 I found out that I was Going to be a Daddy.YAY!!!!!!! Well I was
tickeled pink.of course things between Tearza and my self got worse.I cought her
moving a 300Lbs. couch by her self and whent off.This led to the bigest verbal
fight I had ever had in my life.Well four mounts later we had a ultra sound and found
out that We were going to have a girl.Even more happy!!!!I have always wanted a
dauther.Now I was going to finely have one.YAY!!!!!
About Me
Tear and Me were Doing some shoping at a bread store.When Tear told me that
we were going to stop and leave everything there.I told her that she was insane.We
had spent three hours in this damn store with her sicodic sister to get the bread that
she whanted.And what was so important that we could not finish.Teas in tern sed I'm
in labor you jack @$$.In turn all I could say is oh,OH,OK!Lets go!I droped the bread
rite where I stood and tryed to pick tear up and leav.Of course this upset her and she
told me so in no unsertin terms.Not only that the lady that was in the store told me
pick up the bread.I simpley replyed that I was in labor and she was just going to
have to do it her self.Tear just laughed at me.At the Hospital at 5:50 PM my baby
was born.Her langth was21 1/4 ins.She was 7lbs.and1 1/4 oz.Headwas 13 1/4 ins
Chest was 15 1/4 ins.Well thats is how My baby came into the world.

Sexy People

Jude Law


Halle Berry

Sexy People


Skeet Ulrich


Christina Ricci

As Soon

Well another blog and this isn't going to be a normal blog.I really wanted to do a blog,however I am sick and am having trouble focusing on what I'd like to type. so as soon as I feel better I'll give it my all take care and don't forget that.......What was I saying?:oops: :D ;) Just kidding take care.

New Job

New Job

Well I have new job. I hate it however it brings in
money. I know that it has been a long time sense
I did a blog. But with the job.I either don't have
the time or are to exhausted to do one.:(:(:(

The Desperate Corner
EP#4Who's That Woman

Yet another installment of Desperate Housewives.
In this taunting tale Carlos attacks the cable man
to protect his family's Honor and gets a surprise.
Paul has an emotional outburst. Bree and Andrew's
relationship spirals even more.Susan is accused of
arson by Mrs.Huber. Paul heirs someone to find the
person who sent the note. And not only dose Susan
talk her daughter into stealing back the cup. But also
gives Mrs.Huber some Just deserts.

The Desperate Quotes
Bree:)Just because I don't share my problems with
you,That doesn't give you the to be rude.
Lynnett:)When they're not makingme want to tear
my hair out, they're actually really sweet.
Edie:)Boy, you are one sick ticket.
Mary Alice:)Carlos couldn't help but feel proud of
himself. After all, he'd just defended his honor.
Or did he?
Gabrielle:)I think he's hiding something,I know it.

Quote Of The Episode

Of course,back then, the only thing I had to play
with was my rubber ducky.

The Sunny Dale Corner
EP#4 Teacher's Pet

An extremely good episode. Buffy has at least
one teacher that wants to help her, Dr.Gregory, And he doesn't think she's a felon. He tries to help but meets death. Ya know!! Well Dr.
Gregory is found headlessnot to mention dead
in the fridge. This causes Cordie so the trauma. Buffy
has faced vamps, cheerleaders, even a witch. Now
she must face the She-Mantis.This monster is ugly.
Not only is she on the scene, but she is after virgins.
And Xander is on top of her list. Poor Xander.

The Buffed Quotes

Giles:)He was a civilized man. I liked him.
Xander:)Those who Those who who can't
laugh at those who
Buffy:)Claw-guy takes one look at her and runs
screaming for cover.
Cordelia:) One moment you're in your normal life,
and then who's in the fridge?
Willow:) No,no,no.See--I like his head. It's where you
find his eyes and his hair and his adorable smile.
Angel:) I heard a rumor there is one less vampire
walking around making a nuisance of himself.

Quote Of The Episode

Let's make them eat that permanent record.

A Poem From Me
I would give my still beating heart,just to see a glimmer of happiness in your eyes
I would cross the universe just to be near you.
I would give you all I am,because nothing is to great for you to be in my life.
I would lay down my life so you may live.
I would weather every pain just so you can be out of harm's way.
I would give you all my happiness to chase away your blues.
I would cry an ocean of tears just for you to sail.
I would give you my eyes just so you could see things differently.
I would give you all my conviction for you to have peace of mind.
I would walk away so you would not have to.
I would sing unto my last breath for you to have something to pierce the silence.
I would caress every part of you,so you might feel.
I would dance a jig just for you to have a little laugh.
I would take on the world,kill every monster,stop every danger just so you feel safe.
I would keep every promise so you would not have despair.
I would do all these things.
If you would only stop and listen.
If you would only give me a chance.
If you would only open your heart.
I would surely fill it.
If you would only just speak.
I would be happy to listen.
Ifyouwould only accept it.
I would give you all my kindness.
If you would only just take it.
I would give you all my love.

Joey and Me

This story takes place earlier this year.John
Waters was coming to town for the jax film festival.
Joey's brother had to work the first night when all we
where going to see was the film polyester.(GREAT
FILM BY THE WAY) So Joey took his boy friend and
me. On the second night his brother could come.So to try to
be a big person. I told Joey to take his boy friend
instead of me.You see the boy friend couldn't get
tickets to it.However Joey refused my offer and still
took me to both events that day.:):) That just goes to
show me what a grate friend I have. Joey chose me
over his boy friend at the time.

About Me

I have been pretty fat all my life.Well as long as I
could remember anyway. So I rarely went any
where without my shirt on. My mother the Jewel
she was decided to make me get over it. by
making me take my shirt off at the beach.After
a verbal fight that made the civil war look like a
Tiff and the beating of my life. I finally took my shirt
off.And I learned that no one cared that I was all
giggly. So I started to have lots of fun. Four hours
in fact. Did I mention that I was a red head with
freckles,and I am Scotch,Irish,and German. Well
it took all of one second for me to BURN and by
four hours I had sun poisoning. Oh it gets better.
It just so happens that evening I was supposed to
go with my mom to a concert at a place in Fort
Walton Beach FL. where I lived at the time.Now
the only thing part of the name was Garfield.
anyway After another dispute between us mom
let me go and I was miserable just as mom said
I would be.My stubbornness would not let me admit
it though.We saw three acts.The last one was The
Charlie Daniels Band. I loved it ever though I was
in a lot of pain. and Mr.Daniels came off the stage
and asked me what was wrong.I told him the hole
story through the tears.And got a hug for my
troubles.That was the most painful hug I ever got.
It was the best one too. This story happened when
I was about sis or seven.:):):)

Answer To Last Blogs Question

All four played Vampire's.
James Marsters played Spike From BTVS&Angel
Kiefer Sutherland Played David From Lost Boys
Juliet Landau Played Drusilla from BTVS&Angel
Anne Parillaud played Marie from Innocent Blood

Sexy People

Ryan Philippe


Kate Moss

Final Thought

I hope you have enjoyed this blog.See I told ya this
story would be a happier one.Well some trauma but
a painfully happy ending :):) :D

Double Fetcher

Double Fetcher

Something new. Ihope you all like it.

The Desperate Corner
EP#3 Pretty Little Pitcher

This episode exceptional with Susan going
off on her ex-husband.And getting all
together embarrassed,in her all together.
Bree and Rex's continuing marital problems.
Not to mention Mary Alice's dinner party.
sense she is dead,they have it in her honor.
Gabrielle gets caught by a little girl who
takes her for a bike and more.Zach finds
the gun that his mother used to commit
suicide.And Lynnette teaches Tom a

Desperate Quotes
Lynnette-We didn't forget.Usually when the
hostess dies,the party's off.
Bree-Everybody knew we'd have this
wonderful life.Why is this happening?
Mary Alice-And though it came from an
unexpected source,Susan finally
got the apology she'd always
Gabrielle-Says the prince as he rides off
into the sunset.Boy did the movies
ever get that wrong.
Susan-I did everything but fome at the mouth.
Quote Of The Episode
I wasn't a perfect gentleman.I might have
Sunk a peek.

The Sunny Dale Corner
EP#3 Witch

I have always loved this one.I mean how
can someone not?With a witch mucking up
Cheer leading try outs.Buffy and gang trying
to find out witch,witch,is witch.Lots of quotes
and just plain fun.

Buffed Quotes

Giles-And as the watcher,I forbid it
Xander-I laugh in the face of danger.Then I
hide until it goes away
Cordelia-If your supreme klutziness out
there takes me out of the running,
you're going to be so vaey beyond
sorry.Have a nice day.
Willow-Except without the hugging or kissing
or her knowing about it.
Buffy-Cheerleading's just a little too hairy for
me these days.

Quote Of The Episode

I know I'll miss this intellectual thrill of spelling
out words with my arms.

A Poem From Me

I am oh kind and so very cruel.
I will protector you one time and hurt you the next.
I am a genius and stupid beyond belief.
I will give you everything and take all I can.
I am a good listener,though I will hear not a thing.
I cherish life and wait for death.
Though I am walking I stand still.
With every breath I suffocate.
I retain all I learn yet remember nothing.
I laugh while choking back sorrow's tears.
I hide who I really am,all the while trying to find him.
I give knowledge of things I do not know.
I am arrogant yet humble simultaneously.
I love and hate you with all my being.
I am orderly chaos.
Just call me Mr. Oxymoron.

Joey And Me

The thing I enjoy about this part of my blog
is.The fact that I can tell my story's to a new
group of people.And in that it kinda makes
them new again.Well the last time I told
you'll about how we met.lets see if I can
remember a nether{long pause for dramatics}
Not too long after we met 8 mounts or so
I moved back to Erie,PA.After being there
way to long. I finally got a job.And to my
extreme surprise...Joey and I started ****br>on the same day.I was shocked to see him.
to say the least.Well this made Erie a lot more
livable let me tell you. I was in a bad place
and Joey rescued me.He was like a weight
Knight. so when joey ses I'm being to kind
He is wrong.There is never to kind for the
beast friend I ever had!!!!:):)Now I'm sorry
That I didn't give ya'll any real dirt on Joey.
I just don't feel right doing it.Even though
Joey ses it's OK.Well I hope ya'll enjoyed
This latest installment of the joey chronicles.

About Me

Last time I told ya'll about the kidnapping
and the CA trip.Now what happened when
I got back.It was three days after my birth
day.When I got home I had three surprises
My big brother had come home from the
Navy.My bed was filled with G.I.Joes.And
mom had moved people in.Now these
were old friends of the family.A guy named
Ted and his nephew Arther.Yousee Arther
was to be my live in baby sitter.And he
became so much more.For the next
year and a half he raped and tortured
me.When I finally got the courage to tell
my mom. She told me it was my fault.
That they have left and she could and
would do nothing.Well after that things
got a hole lot bedder.I promise that I
will tell a happier story next time.

Sexy People Double Fetcher

james marsters, 10
James Marsters

Kiefer Sutherland

Juliet Landau

Anne Parillaud

A Question?

What do the four sexy people have in common?

Final Thought

Well I have more fun doing this than
I have had on any other suite. My
Quote"Life is there to be lived,so live

Here We Go Agin

Here We Go Again

Well yet another blog.CAUTION if you read further you may like

The Desperate Corner
EP#2 Ah,But Underneath

I remember watching this episode for the first time and thing there isn't going to be a bad one.From dinner with Mike.That Edie horns in on.That ultimately lands Bongo at the vets.Bree and Rex is going to marriage counseling.The Young's ever growing secret.Paul's admission that he hated Mary Alice for abandoning Zach and himself.Of course there is always Mary Alice doing a most insightful narration.Loved it loved it loved it!!!!!!

Desperate Quotes

Mary Alice-Dr. Goldfine thought he had seen it all.And then ha met the Van De Kamps.
Edie-This'll make up for the dinner that you never threw me.
Susan-Oh,no,no.NoEdie's definitely a carnivore.
Lenette-I don't know if they'er too young to understand,or they'er just getting
someperverse joy out of testing me.
Bree-Who cares.I took psychology.We learned all about Freud.

Quote Of The Episode

Of course she's in a home now.And her mind has just turned to mush.

The Sunny Dale Corner
EP#2 Harvest

Surprisingly I didn't really like this one.Yeah it has some great quotes.It just left me flat.I mean after the first half(Welcome To The Hellmouth)was so great.I guess I
expected a little more out of the show.In this one they find Jessy vamped.they almost get attacked in the sewer.Luke causes some problems at the bronze.Luke even gets to drink a few people.Buffy trickshim just before killing him.So bye bye Luke.With the exception of great acting and excellent quotes.I guess it could have been better.

Buffed Quotes

Giles-Contrary to popular mythology it did not begin as a paradise.
Xander-Rain of toads.Do you think they have anything like that in the paper?
Angel-You shouldn't't be putting your self at risk.Tonight is the harvest.Unless you
can prevent it...the Master walks.
Buffy-Do you know what's like to have a friend.{long pause}That wasen't
supposed to be a stumper
Cordelia-Excuse me? who gave you permission to exist?
Willow-But he blew it!Or,I mean,there was an earthquake that swallowed half the
town and him,too.

Quote Of The Episode

I just thought you nothing more than a meal,boy.Congratulations,you've just been bait.

Joey And Me

Dirt,dirt,and more dirt.Not to mention flaws.Well I don't like to mention the flaws in
others,on account I have more than most.Glass house and every thing.So hear it goes.Joey is as kind as I previously mentioned.However he can be a tad controlling at times.Now he hasn't been giving much choice in that matter.So I'd like to tell you a story about how we came to be in friends.In November of 2000 Mandie and Me went to On The Way for munchies and smokes.I meet the nicest cashier I have ever met.Severalmonthes later April of 01 I see the cashier again.This time he was accompanied by his brother. was at a friends trailer and I started to get to kmow them.I soon learned the cashers name is Joey,but by that he was al ready working for a hotel.Well joey and I became fast friends from there on.

About Me

At age eight I was kidnapped by my brother Mike.He took me on a bus from my homein Fort Walton Beach,FL to my dad in Erie,PA.Now he told me that mom had wantedme to spend time with my dad.Mike however told dad that mom didn't whant me any more.And no one told mom about any thing.Well mom arrives two days later to find that I am no longer at home.After from what I herd was a painful discussion betweenmy mother and her room mate,Who knew everything I might add.Mom made a 24 hr.trip at the time in just under 15 hrs.Now mind you the national speed limit for the interstate was between 50-55 mph.So she was booking.Well any way mom busted inmy dad's door and demanded me back.This landed mom and dad in one heck of a fight.However mom had to give dad $200.00 for the door.Dad was more than happy to give me back.Now at this time my brother Dan and his family was in town.Mom seeing a chance to get rid of me.My loving mother did just that.She told me that I could go with my big brother,his wife,and new baby.That I was going to going yo see a Navy ship and then come home.She however told them that I was uncontrollable and that I talked Mike into taking me away.So I lived there nine months.Mom finally showed up for Christmasto take me home.And that was only because dad had found out.Dad had decided that if I was going to live with my bro. in SanDeago,CA that mom wasn't going to get anymore child support.Gotta love her!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(

Favorite Sexy People

Johny Depp


Hally Berry

Final Thought

I hope all is well with all of you.I hope you all enjoyed my blog.So lets have another quote{Death will come to every one.So don't worry about'll get your tern.}Take care see ya soon

Necro's Bloggin' It

                                    necro's blogin' it
Well here it goes this is my first blog and I wanted to show ya'll a few things.Hope ya'll enjoy.

                        The desperate Corner
                                   EP#1 pilot
I totaly enjoyed this episode.It is a decadent taste of the tantalising fun in store for the women of Wisteria Lane.A masterful mix of surprise,mystery,mayhem,drama,
comity,and what if.The perfect hook for a truly wonderful series.Also a uneek and
original look at life from a dead woman's view,or should I say review.

                               Desperate Quotes
Mary Alice"Susan had met the enemy.And she was a slut."
Susan"I've told Julie a million times not to play in the kitchen.Kids,you know."
Lynette"I know someone who knows someone who knows an elf."
Bree"Andrew I spent three hours cooking this meal."
Gabrielle"Because I don't want to wake up one morning with a sudden urge to blow my brains out."

                            Quote Of The Episode 
"Who told you to spend three hours on dinner?"

                               Episode Surprises
Mary Alice's suicide and her friends finding out that a note might have something to do with it.

                          The Sunny Dale Corner
                   EP#1 Welcome To The Hellmouth
Watching this episode for the first I have to admit that I hated it.However upon a
re-watch I realise just how great this episode really is.Buffy starts at a new school and a new life.She soon finds that fitting in is the least of her worries.No matter what...Buffy is the slayer and nothing is going to change that.Buffy learns that fact soon enough.All hell is braking loose.From a dream about a master that is not so dreamy.To vampires killing the students.Andy's capture and Willow hat been taken.Buffy is the chosen one,the slayer and it's up to her to stop this.Can she do it?Of course she can she's Buffy.

                                  Buffed Quotes
Buffy"And the skills to hunt the vampires,to stop the spared of their blah,blah, blah.I've heard it.OK."
Willow"I-I can usually make a few vowel sounds,and then I have to go away."
Xander"Oh,hay,I hope he's not a vamper,because then you might have to slay him."
Giles"Only then do they reveal their true demonic visage."
Cordelia"If you want to fit in here.The fist rule is know your losers."

                           Quote Of The Episode
You're strong.{Luke slaps Buffy to the ground}I'm stronger.

                                   A Buffy Note
In Welcome to the Hellmouth's opening seen Darla kills a young man.That young man also is O'Tool in The Zeppo episode.I love how joss reuses his actors.

                                 Joey and Me
Being Joey's roommate is great.We have lots of fun.Joey is the biggest sweetheart I have ever met. Joey and his brother are my best friends.Joey is the type of person that you can anything,and there are no judgements.As far as I'm concerned he is my brother,because not even my blood is closer to my heart then my friend. He dose have a flaw or two.I will not go in to them because the good points far out weigh the bad.And besides with out flaws he would be perfect and that would just be wrong.

                                   About Me
I was born on Jan,4th 1976 in Erie PA.I was born 1 of trips.My sisters died shortly
after birth and my mom held me accountable for it.I have lived all over the US. I am 31years old. I am married and will soon be divorced.I'm a poet and a gamer.I'll tell everyone more mt next blog.

                     My Favorite Sexy People 


                                                Elijah Wood


                            Drew Barrymore

                              Final Thought
Sooooooooooo I hope you enjoyed my first blog. Have fun,Live long or die young and bored.