Expecting:A Double fetcher
Well this is a double fetcher.So I hope that ya'll like it.At any rate enjoy.
Desperate Corner
EP#5 Come In Stranger
Mrs.Frome has asked Susan to watch her cat while she is away.
Susan in turn finds a brake in at Mrs.Frome's house.A neighbor
hood watch is put in affect.Zach ends up braking in to the
Van De Camp's house.Lynnett trys inventive parenting to get
the twins into a new school.Gabrielle decides to use some old
tricks to steal some time with John.
Desprate Quotes
Mary Alice:)Mrs.Frome liked Susan. But it was common knowledge on Wisteria Lane,
were Susan Mayer went,bad luck was sure to fallow.
Bree:)Just because you didn't hear them fighting,dosen't mean they were happy.
Gabrielle:)No!And for the record I'm not one of those women who has a hole in her
heart that can only be filled by a baby.
Susan:)Honey I batted everything that wasn't nailed down. I'm tellin' ya nothing.
Lynnette:)Yes but by the time they realise their mistake,we'll be in.Your not having
ant more kids. Why do you care?
Quote Of The Episode
Family should always hug...{whispering...regardless of how they feel about each
Desperate Corner
EP#6 Running To Stand Still
Lynnett's twins are in a play,witch means that she is at odds with the alpha mom.
that's to bad for the alpha mom,because Lynnett don't take prisoners.Zach is in a
center for juvenile mantel health.Julie visits him while mom runs interference.this leads
to another piece in the puzzle of his mom's suicide.who is Dana?Gabrielle briefly
tricks Juanita into believing that she is not stepping out.
Desperate Quotes
Gabrielle:)Well,since I'm going to have to be doing the cooking and the cleaning and
the shopping just like the other wives,I'm going to be exhausted at night,just like all
those other wives.
Mary Alice:)Sadly for Juanita,she ignored the first rule of war...Never underestimate
your enemy.
Bree:)How much longer is your mid-life crisis going to last? Because it is really starting
to tick me off.
Lynnett:)Let's kill the damn wolf and just put on the best show we can.
Susan:)She was my friend,Julie and I owe it to her to find out the truth.
Quote Of The Episode
Actually,Carlos the more I watch her,the more I think she's not stepping out on you.
Sunny Dale Corner
EP#5 Never Kill A Boy On The First Date
Buffy and Giles finds a ring that lead them to a prophecy that runes a date with Owen.
Never fear the second date gets interrupted by Angel. Then Willow and Xander come
With dire news witch sets Buffy off with only Willow and Xander,or dos it? Low and
behold here's Owen to make matters worse for Buffy.She maneges to save Giles.
Owen almost gets killed and decides he likes the danger.This startling revaluation gets
Buffy to call it off with him.
Buffed Quotes
Buffy:)Oh.That's great,I kill them.You fence there stuff.
Giles:)I was beginning to suspect that was a myth.
Xander:)Oh,look,it's Owen.Buffy and Owen and Xander.That would be me.
Cordelia:)Well when your ready for the big leagues let me know.
Angel:)So you know,fine.I just thought I would warn you.
Willow:)Oh yeah,well,we knew it would happen eventually,so we figured,hay,why
fight it?
Quote Of The Episode
Insaneo Guy On The Bus
If there sin in there,there's sin all around.It's a liquid.
Sunny Dale Corner
EP#6 The Pack
Darn Xander is possessed by a hyena spirit.This causes Xander to act differently.He is
cruel to Willow and snifs Buffy alot.Xander and four outher students that also got
possessed eat a pig.This ultimately leads to the other four eating Principal Flutie.
And Xander Gets transpossessed and pretends not to remember anything.
Buffed Quotes
Xander:)Buffy this isn't just about looking at a bunch of animals.This is about not
being in c!@$$ Willow:)He makes my head go tingly.You know what I mean?
Buffy:)Oh grate.It's the winged monkeys.
Giles:)No.No,no,that's fine.You can just run along to ****..while I wait for the feeling
to return to my arms.
Quote Of The Episode
Principal Flutie
Did I ask you to speak?Ok,I ges I did,but I want the truth.
A Poem
Looking Back I See
Looking back I see.Just what you meant to me.Every time I was in doubt.You're
standing by my side so stout.Every pain that should have been mine.You took with
out a word,your blood and sweat entwine.the fire I should have felt you took to your
flesh and let it melt.When my life was at its darkest.You would tak the clouds and
weather the tempest.When she left and my heart spilled out so swift.You smiles and
filled my heart with your loving gift.When life was done and death came to me,my soul
forfeit.You took my place though I did not deserve it.Looking back I see what you
meant to me.You were my best friend,unfortunately only now I see I loved you the
same as you loved me.Life's greatest gift death toot from me.
A Poem
Lost Her
The child was mine.Her essence wrapped around my heartlike a vine.Her smiles and
laughter has filled me with happiness ever after.Her eyes so innocent and filled with
trust.She makes me love her so,and protect her I know I must.Her screams tern her
ever so red.her tears fill my heart with dread.I took pleaser in the simple things.I put
her to bed,I watcher sleep and my heart sings.When it came I fought and lost her I
miss you my Daughter.
Joey and Me
In October of 2003 Joey,his Brother,and Me start the move to jax.Fl.I figured this
should be a breeze.Wrong!!!!!!!!From the get go with the moving truck.Joey and
his Bro. were fighting.When I say FIGHTING what I mean is a no holds all out
screaming match.It surprised me soooo much that I walked away for a while.Now
mind you I had seen them have tiffs only and that was few and far between.So when
this hapened it was astonishing.I honestly didn't think them capable.I was wrong.
Anyway the trip got under way.things were cramped to say the least.We had a near
ascendant from his Bro.and me giving bad directions.This is of course trying to get
a truck and trailer out of a Waffle House parking lot.Finely we arive in Jax.Lets just
say we were all happy to see the end to the trip.None more than Joey who had to
drive the hole way him self.
Joey and Me
The trip part two.We had three days to find a place and return the truck that led us to
Waller St.One of our Happiest times.It definitely was not easy though.Between his Bro.
and finding jobs that just didn't last.Joey and me getting misleading jobs.And no
refrigerator.things Looked pretty bad.Soon though Joey got a job.Not to long after that I
got a job and things just got better.
About Me
Feb. 6th 1997 I found out that I was Going to be a Daddy.YAY!!!!!!! Well I was
tickeled pink.of course things between Tearza and my self got worse.I cought her
moving a 300Lbs. couch by her self and whent off.This led to the bigest verbal
fight I had ever had in my life.Well four mounts later we had a ultra sound and found
out that We were going to have a girl.Even more happy!!!!I have always wanted a
dauther.Now I was going to finely have one.YAY!!!!!
About Me
Tear and Me were Doing some shoping at a bread store.When Tear told me that
we were going to stop and leave everything there.I told her that she was insane.We
had spent three hours in this damn store with her sicodic sister to get the bread that
she whanted.And what was so important that we could not finish.Teas in tern sed I'm
in labor you jack @$$.In turn all I could say is oh,OH,OK!Lets go!I droped the bread
rite where I stood and tryed to pick tear up and leav.Of course this upset her and she
told me so in no unsertin terms.Not only that the lady that was in the store told me
pick up the bread.I simpley replyed that I was in labor and she was just going to
have to do it her self.Tear just laughed at me.At the Hospital at 5:50 PM my baby
was born.Her langth was21 1/4 ins.She was 7lbs.and1 1/4 oz.Headwas 13 1/4 ins
Chest was 15 1/4 ins.Well thats is how My baby came into the world.
Sexy People
Jude Law
Halle Berry
Sexy People
Skeet Ulrich
Christina Ricci