New Job
Well I have new job. I hate it however it brings in
money. I know that it has been a long time sense
I did a blog. But with the job.I either don't have
the time or are to exhausted to do one.:(:(:(
The Desperate Corner
EP#4Who's That Woman
Yet another installment of Desperate Housewives.
In this taunting tale Carlos attacks the cable man
to protect his family's Honor and gets a surprise.
Paul has an emotional outburst. Bree and Andrew's
relationship spirals even more.Susan is accused of
arson by Mrs.Huber. Paul heirs someone to find the
person who sent the note. And not only dose Susan
talk her daughter into stealing back the cup. But also
gives Mrs.Huber some Just deserts.
The Desperate Quotes
Bree:)Just because I don't share my problems with
you,That doesn't give you the to be rude.
Lynnett:)When they're not makingme want to tear
my hair out, they're actually really sweet.
Edie:)Boy, you are one sick ticket.
Mary Alice:)Carlos couldn't help but feel proud of
himself. After all, he'd just defended his honor.
Or did he?
Gabrielle:)I think he's hiding something,I know it.
Quote Of The Episode
Of course,back then, the only thing I had to play
with was my rubber ducky.
The Sunny Dale Corner
EP#4 Teacher's Pet
An extremely good episode. Buffy has at least
one teacher that wants to help her, Dr.Gregory, And he doesn't think she's a felon. He tries to help but meets death. Ya know!! Well Dr.
Gregory is found headlessnot to mention dead
in the fridge. This causes Cordie so the trauma. Buffy
has faced vamps, cheerleaders, even a witch. Now
she must face the She-Mantis.This monster is ugly.
Not only is she on the scene, but she is after virgins.
And Xander is on top of her list. Poor Xander.
The Buffed Quotes
Giles:)He was a civilized man. I liked him.
Xander:)Those who Those who who can't
laugh at those who
Buffy:)Claw-guy takes one look at her and runs
screaming for cover.
Cordelia:) One moment you're in your normal life,
and then who's in the fridge?
Willow:) No,no,no.See--I like his head. It's where you
find his eyes and his hair and his adorable smile.
Angel:) I heard a rumor there is one less vampire
walking around making a nuisance of himself.
Quote Of The Episode
Let's make them eat that permanent record.
A Poem From Me
I would give my still beating heart,just to see a glimmer of happiness in your eyes
I would cross the universe just to be near you.
I would give you all I am,because nothing is to great for you to be in my life.
I would lay down my life so you may live.
I would weather every pain just so you can be out of harm's way.
I would give you all my happiness to chase away your blues.
I would cry an ocean of tears just for you to sail.
I would give you my eyes just so you could see things differently.
I would give you all my conviction for you to have peace of mind.
I would walk away so you would not have to.
I would sing unto my last breath for you to have something to pierce the silence.
I would caress every part of you,so you might feel.
I would dance a jig just for you to have a little laugh.
I would take on the world,kill every monster,stop every danger just so you feel safe.
I would keep every promise so you would not have despair.
I would do all these things.
If you would only stop and listen.
If you would only give me a chance.
If you would only open your heart.
I would surely fill it.
If you would only just speak.
I would be happy to listen.
Ifyouwould only accept it.
I would give you all my kindness.
If you would only just take it.
I would give you all my love.
Joey and Me
This story takes place earlier this year.John
Waters was coming to town for the jax film festival.
Joey's brother had to work the first night when all we
where going to see was the film polyester.(GREAT
FILM BY THE WAY) So Joey took his boy friend and
me. On the second night his brother could come.So to try to
be a big person. I told Joey to take his boy friend
instead of me.You see the boy friend couldn't get
tickets to it.However Joey refused my offer and still
took me to both events that day.:):) That just goes to
show me what a grate friend I have. Joey chose me
over his boy friend at the time.
About Me
I have been pretty fat all my life.Well as long as I
could remember anyway. So I rarely went any
where without my shirt on. My mother the Jewel
she was decided to make me get over it. by
making me take my shirt off at the beach.After
a verbal fight that made the civil war look like a
Tiff and the beating of my life. I finally took my shirt
off.And I learned that no one cared that I was all
giggly. So I started to have lots of fun. Four hours
in fact. Did I mention that I was a red head with
freckles,and I am Scotch,Irish,and German. Well
it took all of one second for me to BURN and by
four hours I had sun poisoning. Oh it gets better.
It just so happens that evening I was supposed to
go with my mom to a concert at a place in Fort
Walton Beach FL. where I lived at the time.Now
the only thing part of the name was Garfield.
anyway After another dispute between us mom
let me go and I was miserable just as mom said
I would be.My stubbornness would not let me admit
it though.We saw three acts.The last one was The
Charlie Daniels Band. I loved it ever though I was
in a lot of pain. and Mr.Daniels came off the stage
and asked me what was wrong.I told him the hole
story through the tears.And got a hug for my
troubles.That was the most painful hug I ever got.
It was the best one too. This story happened when
I was about sis or seven.:):):)
Answer To Last Blogs Question
All four played Vampire's.
James Marsters played Spike From BTVS&Angel
Kiefer Sutherland Played David From Lost Boys
Juliet Landau Played Drusilla from BTVS&Angel
Anne Parillaud played Marie from Innocent Blood
Sexy People
Ryan Philippe
Kate Moss
Final Thought
I hope you have enjoyed this blog.See I told ya this
story would be a happier one.Well some trauma but
a painfully happy ending :):) :D