basically all you have to do is keep it in your party, and just fight random pokemon, and eventually it will be passed down to your other pokemon in your partyninjavelmordo i have to battle using the pokemon infected or any i must have battled over 6 times but still havent infected the rest :(((((
nedal14's forum posts
ok i have a pokemon which i traded and in rturn got a turtwig the pokemon has pokerus (a virus) and lucky me :) but i don't know how to infect it to another pokemon! its been in my party and i have a few other pokemons which i need infected! hope u can help me.
You can get the Nintendo USB Wi-Fi adapter from:
wow thank u so much :)))) i think ill just get 1 off there hope my mum says yes lol!
I just sawone at Walmart for $20. I'm not sure if you have Walmarts in England, but it's worth a try.SeanN003
to bad we don't and $20 is decent it means £10 here
ok everyone i have £200 to spend yay thank you mum!!!! so im going into town next week im looking for games that are good and have alot of action in them but please dont say games (that need another console to play them e.g. pokemon battle revolution as it needs a ds)
thank you all for your posts the ones that are repeated the most i shall buy!!! :D
ok i know that u can use rear candys and fight an online battle with a level 100 but can u do it this way instead?
just use the EXP share on him level what ever pokemon it is to level 20 then look at the ivs reset ur ds once u know could u do that instead?
Halo is overated and it sucksPATRIOTREBORN77
you suck.
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