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2010 might be expensive...

Okay, firstly I should state that I do the majority of my gaming on the Wii. As we entered 2010, I could see myselfbuying just one game this year, Super Mario Galaxy 2, but it's starting to look like I might end up buying over 10-15 games. Since I got my Wii, I haven't bought many games for it;


Super Paper Mario, Super Mario Galaxy, Wii Sports.... All bundled with the Wii. It was a gift so I didn't buy any of these.

Twilight Princess and GH3 for my birthday.

Then I bought Mario Kart Wii and PES 2008, both full price.

I got SSBB as a gift.

I then found Zack and Wiki very cheap 2nd hand.


Didn't buy any games until around August, when I bought No More Heroes cheap 2nd hand

Then bought Metroid Prime Trilogy full price.

Then got Okami and NSMBWii for Christmas.

I've only bought 3 games for full price, and 5 games overall. I think 2010 might be different.

My only definite purchase will be Super Mario Galaxy 2, but there are 6 other titles, potentially released this year, that are already starting to grab my interest.

Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing is looking very good. It always looked to me like a cheap kart racing Sega cash-in, but I'm really hoping it will be a good game. I'm a sucker for games with lots of recognisable characters and scenery etc. like Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros, but I will definitely wait for reviews and maybe for a price drop before I commit to getting this game.

Tatsunoko vs Capcom is another game that to me looked like I would just not be interested in, but recently I have researched it, and I'm seriously considering a purchase. My main concern is that I will just really really suck at the game. I have Street Fighter IV on 360 and I just cannot get into it at all, because I cannot win any fights. Again, I will wait for reviews, but even excellent reviews may not be able to persuade me to buy the game, but it's definitely on my radar.

The new Zelda game is something that I am not necessarily excited for, but I know I will be getting it, maybe on release day. I don't believe that it will come out this year, although I gather that there is still a reasonablechance.

Metroid: Other M is, like Zelda, a game that I am not necessarily excited for, but, unlike Zelda, I'm not sure whether I'll be getting it or not. I'm currently playing through the Metroid Prime Trilogy and loving it, but I'm keeping my hype for Other M at a cautious level.

Monster Hunter 3 is another game that I am interested in, but do not know enough about to get myself hyped for it. I don't think I'm likely to buy it, but a lot of people are very excited by it, and when it comes out I'll probably read up about it to see if I'm willing to spend the money on it.

The game I'm most excited about, after Super Mario Galaxy 2, is Epic Mickey. As I said earlier, I'm a sucker for games which use recognisable characters, and I really do love it when developers do something really worthwile with a licence. This game just looks as though it's guaranteed to be fun, although a couple of interviews and screenshots can't really tell me that, so I'm reserving judgement until we're closer to release, but this looks like a game that I will definitely pick up at some point.

This year, the most likely scenario is that I will get Tatsunoko vs Capcom and Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing for my birthday in March, buy SMG2 on release day, whenever that may be, and then get Epic Mickey and the new Zelda, if it's out, for Christmas.

Of course I will be keeping an eye out for bargains, for games from the past few years, such as Resident Evil 4, Punch-Out!!!, Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City and a few others that I've had a passing interest in.

All in all, it looks like 2010 won't be that expensive after all, so long as I have the patience to wait for my Birthday and Christmas to get some of my most anticipated games. If that works out, I'll be buying just one full price game this year, which is the same as 2009, and then hopefully a few lowered price games. I know it's supposedly harming the industry by waiting for games to drop in price, but these are games which I have little to no interest in purchasing when they are first released, and only really become interested in them because of the lower price tag.

Thanks for reading, if anyone did read! How many games is everyone hoping to get this year? and which ones are we most hyped for?

My Top 12 Games of All Time

I thought I would compile a list of my favourite games of all time. I am sure most of you will disagree with it, because everyone's list will be different. I haven't played every game, so there are definitely games that really should be here that aren't. Also, I have a rule that if I haven't completed the main story mode of a game, it cannot be included, which removes games such as MGS and Final Fantasy and a few others which I'm sure would have easily made the list had i finished them.

Also, I have not included the Championship Manager, and more recently, the Football Manager series, as it's too difficult to compare them with the other games on the list. They have an unlimited amount of gameplay, and are text based, and although all sport games have an unlimited amount of gameplay, there is just something about the Football Manager series which makes it impossible to compare...

This list is biased, and is entirely based on my opinion. Nostalgia does come into account, because some games just mean so much to me, for making childhood a happier time :p.

Right, the first 8 games in my list are not in order, as it was too hard to decide, but the top 4 are in order, and they are by far and away my favourite games.

Super Mario 64 (N64)

So you've finally got your hands on an N64, bundled with this game, and you boot it up... "IT'SA ME.. MARIO" :D. This game was brilliant, and, if you consider that it had to create the whole 3D-platforming genre from scratch, and still to this day manages to be a very playable game, it has to be regarded as one of the best gaming achievments of all time.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)

I know that this is number 1 in many people's list. It's so good that I don't really have to explain why it's in my top 12, but I have to explain why it's not in my top 4. But as brilliant as it was, and still is, it just frustrated me a bit too much to be one of my ultimate favourites, but killing Ganondorf at the end was one of the happiest moments of my life

007 Goldeneye (N64)

This is the only shooter in my list. It's the only one I ever liked. And I loved it. The single player storyline was really good, but the split screen multiplayer was on another level. Just phenomenal.

Gran Turismo (PS)

I got this game with my playstation, and for about year, it was basically the only game i had that was worth playing. I was quite young, and so I didn't really appreciate the realism, but I loved this game so much. I remember spending hours going round and round High Speed Ring in order to get enough money to get the Chrysler Viper, which I tuned the hell out of, and oh i loved it.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)

This game took me a long time to get into, but once i got going, it really sucked me in. Although changing into a wolf wasn't too fun, overall the game was a really great, great experience. It took me 88 hours, without side quests. I'm not too sharp with Zelda games though, and i was delighted when i rammed to Master Sword straight through Ganon's chest.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)

Any of the games from this series could have made their way into the list, but as Brawl is by far the best, it earns a place. The gameplay is really fantastic and there is so much to do and collect, the multiplayer is wonderful, and it takes a hell of a lot to get bored of this.

Pro Evolution Soccer 4 (PS2)

This was brilliant. I've owned what must be around 30 football games and this has to be the best. PES 5 and 6 were both brilliant and really just followed in the footsteps but this was the game that i loved. I remember picking all 32 teams in a World Cup, and playing every match of it with my brother, something we've done many times on every version since then.

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (PS2)

Great sequel. Great soundtrack. Great levels. A really really good game. Tony Hawk games are just really good. Skateboarding itself isn't really popular enough to sell games, but if you make them into some of the best games of all time... well that will get you sales. Of course now the games are popular enough not to have to be good, anything after THUG2 is just really awful.

Now for the top 4.

4. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

This was just such a good game. All the previous versions are completely unplayable, and even after i got GTA IV, I still prefer San Andreas. Everything in the game just seems completely legendary.. stealing Madd Doggs rhyme book, OG Loc, the whole Badlands, The massive desert, setting fire to stuff, this game was really an unmissable experience.

3. Banjo-Kazooie

This was the most fun I had ever had when I first played it. Collecting Jiggies, Notes, Jingos... It was just wonderful. It was like Mario 64, a rip-off if we're being honest, but so much better. It seemed to go on forever and there was just so many brilliant characters, so many inventive things to do, it was just a real touch of class.

2. Super Mario Galaxy

There's not many games that I have played through more than once, especially when there are no side missions and such to do, but the amount of fun packed into this game is incredible. Once i unlocked Luigi, I had no hesitation in getting stuck in with him, and have since done it 3 times with mario and twice with Luigi. This game really is pretty flawless, and the fact that i have played it through multiple times, not to unlock anything, but just because it's so fun.

1. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

This is the best game ever. (In my opinion). The soundtrack is incredible, and 5 or 6 of the songs have become some of my favourite songs ever. The gameplay and control is just awesome. Finding all of the goals is just a brilliant challenge, and it never gets boring. Of course you have the incentive of unlocking new characters and cheats, but you completely forget about that when your player starts rolling down the big slope on Level 1, the Hangar level... all you're thinking about is nosegrinding over the pipe, knocking down the barrels, finding the secret tape and putting together some badass combos to get the SICK score. Every level is unforgettable, but i guess after playing through them all 20 times, you're not likely to forget them. Also, the game manual tells you if you find all the gaps in the game, you unlock a special prize. It's just another character, but going round finding every gap in the game although it sounds tedious, just brings a whole new level to the game and it's just the greatest game I have ever played.

Thanks for reading.