Hey guys, i am in the torture room scene. I know I have to use the fake death pill to get the guard into my cell, but everytime I take it I DIE!!! how can i stop dying? As soon as I take it, I try to get my revival pill but it won't let me!
I only have Up Your Arsenal and the single player storyline was really enjoyable, thought the multiplayer was a bit crappy IMO. Hope Deadlocked as more exciting action.
What games have you played there were a blast, but just ended too quickly. I'll have to say Time-Splitters FP.. such a fun game but they coulda added more levels.
Hmm thanks guys for the advice. I read in reviews that the platformer aspect was gone too.. but I didn't exactly enjoy that part of past games anyways, except for the grapple/swing thing. Hope that thing is back.
Obviously PS3 graphics are much better than PS2s.. I'd be worried if it wasn't. Besides, most PS3 owners are ex PS2 owners so why they turning their back on the greatest system ever made in the history of gaming is a mystery.
Planning to buy a new game. I have Up your Aresenal but it doesn't work anymore so time to get a new Rachet game. I heard this game is really short though, so is it worth it?
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