Dragon Age: Origins was nice, my brother who normally doesn't like RPGs loved that game. Dragon Age 2 was a good game too but felt more of a hack and slash, and had almost no strategy. I hope Dragon Age 3 will be like DA:O but i doubt it. Anyway since the release of dark souls in PC i am spoiled with that game, its just too good and one of the best RPGs i have played up there with the Witcher series.
No wonder sony is far better than microsoft, it's because they dedicate themselves to making their product the best, providing the best customer service, not charging for multiplayer and putting a lot of triple A exclusives(encouraging devs to make exclusives) each year. Whereas microsoft only cares for appearance, they release what like 2 exclusives per year out of which only 1 is actually good.
This has nothing do to with games, and dont go and tell me that every game features a white male protagonist because you and i know that is false. Mass effect, dragon age, sims, witcher, even old games like kotor and baldurs gate(although i havent played those two) and many other games feature lgbt characters nowadays. So I will tell you why microsoft is keeping these conventions, it is not to support the lgbt community but to exploit them. By showing they "support" lgbt all they can get is more sales from that community, pretty pathetic even for microsoft standards. Tbh i am not a supporter of lgbt but this is my honest opinion.
And i am 100 percent sure that if they ever made a straightercon(or whatever they call it) they would say its discrimination or call them homophobes.
Microsoft please focus more on games, encourage first party devs to develop for your console , like the playstation and stop using cheap methods to get profit
This is all coming from a person who owned an xbox and never a ps3!
@Frosty192 Explain why you think pro-gamers are a joke, pro-gaming is just like any other sport, it requires a lot of time,skill and dedication . If you don't agree then keep it to yourself, we don't want your foolish comments here.
It's funny how in a thread about mass effect, atheists try to mock religion. Is there any place on the internet where atheists dont shove their beliefs. Religion doesnt hold us back, just because people believe in God doesn't mean technology wont advance. Look how far we have come, take the gaming industry and see, from Super Mario to games like Mass Effect this is called progress. Technology will advance dont try to separate religious people and science because they have co-existed for many years, doing so is what is making people angry. P.S. Religion doesn't cause wars, people do!
@DarthLod I was waiting for a comment like this accusing me of being homophobic etc. Anyway i also know the particular person you are talking about and even though he is gay , i like him and have nothing against him ( i mean if i met him i would treat him the same way i treat others). I think he is the best reviewer on gamespot...no wait the best reviewer ever. My only problem is when they try to introduce gay relationship in games and treat it like its something so important and special. If someone is gay keep it to yourself just dont force it down everyone's throat. Whats next? Incest, Bestiality, rape, pedophilia, necrophilia it seems like people will try to justify those things too and make it legal.
nemesis4x's comments