With Scramble getting pushed back a week, MS announced it would release a PGR themed deck for Uno instead. When reading this, at first I thought awesome! More content for the best game on the 360! But upon reading the next couple words: "for 100 Marketplace points ($1.25)," I was, to be frank, shocked. How does M$ think they could charge someone for this??? It's obviously a blatant promotion for PGR3, but they're charging us $1.25! It's a bit like buying a dashboard theme I guess (which is also really stupid), but worse, because you might have to buy it to play with your friends. As you've probably figured out by now, I'm a huge fan of Uno, and will probably end up being suckered into this, but I still think it's totally ridiculous. I hope nobody buys it so I don't have to either.
In other ventures, today was my first day back in school. Oh, how the horrible memories of the people I hate to see came flowing back. It wasn't all that bad though. Everyone says Senior year is the easiest year of high school, and for the first day at least, that seems to be holding true. Nothing could be worse then last year! I know the year has just started, but I can't wait to get out for good. Just a matter of time now. :)
I leave you with Forza Cat and Mouse action![video=JXNiljTx5bsKvDPc]