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Graphics: Do They Really Matter?

For years, I've proudly announced, "Graphics don't matter." I always said that, but I never knew if it was true. The quality of visuals can attract me to some games, and turn me away from others. Graphics pre-release power goes unchallenged every time there is a new game announcement, and is looked at as an early sign of quality in a game. But do they really matter? For me, getting a 360 has made me come to realize, once and for all, that they don't. Sure, I could treat my eyes to the bright and brilliant explosions of Chromhounds, or the pristine gore of a Katana slicing through 8 zombies in a single swipe on my 360, but a lot of the time, I'm still playing my original xbox. You know, games with stunning graphics like Operation Flashpoint: Elite and SB: LOC. ;)