SEXBOX FTW! Add me if you want mate . BrazenRosso
neo6897's forum posts
Hey, Gamespot, wake up!!!!!
What's wrong with this file? I can't get it using neither your download manager tool nor the traditional way. It's incredible that things like this happen in such a website. You look professional guys, but sometimes.... I don't want to pay if I don't get what you promise. In FREE OF CHARGE websites I'm downloading the demo at 445kb/s....
Please fix up this NOW
Amen to that - i went to another site . and got the download at 1.2mb /per sec... Makes me wonder what the hell is the point in this subscriber nonsense... oh yea a pretty name i forgot .. Seriously disappointed and may withdraw my total access soon .. This was the whole reason i took this out :/.. oh well wake up call for GS.. Great customer service reply too
Im trying to download the bioshock demo. But its stopping at 43%. The reason i went total access was for this and it seems to be failing me
Ah ok i apologize for my lazyness thanks for the quick reply.. Btw i got an idea change my name to something offensive like IGN . Then i can change it to my desired name! Im not called neo for nothing you know :)
All the best take care! :D
Hey there
Couldnt really decide where to put this but here goes
I signed up with gamespot a few years back and recently i went Total Access For all the goodies etc. Was kinda hoping i could change my name to something a bit more personal. Rosso was the name i had in mind or something like that. If so Great! if not then damn ;)
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