I went and saw Tenacious D, for free, last night! Probably one of the most entertaining shows I have ever been to. Everyone was smoking in the crowd and everything. They played almost every song off their old and new cds. You just wouldn't know how satisfying it is for them to sing F*ck Her Gently live:twisted:, unless, of course, you have already seen them play live. And on a side note: backstage passes aren't that great, unless all of the band comes out to the sucky backstage area, compared to the cool people backstage area(which i did not have access too).
Well... The Wii comes out tomorrow. Just found out that Greg Kasavin didn't think Red Steel was too great. He gave it a 5.5 (mediocre) rating. It kinda bugs me that hype makes all those people who played the game before hand thought the game was cool, but they were just hyping something up because they had never played a shooting game with something like a Wii Remote. And the developers of the game are of course going to love anything they make... blindly, and never say a bad word about their own software. EVER. Unless it's in retrospect many years later(example: John Romero and the game Daikatana).
Alright, I shall not rate how much I enjoy this game based on this review, but I have yet to obtain my Wii... :cry:
So I'm stuck here for about another 22 hours without my Wii. Best Buy emailed me about how my pre-order for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess may come a little late. They said they will be shipping it around the 19th, which gives them leeway to send it however many days late! I would have just pre-ordered it from GameStop then. At first I thought to myself, "Ok... I have Red Steel. That will pass the time until I get Zelda." Then I realize that Red Steel may not be that fun, even with multiplayer (which I will have to decide for myself). And now I may feel stranded for a few days with my Wii. Though, at the same time I will be able to review Wii Sports and Red Steel without being tempted to play Zelda. Oh... and yeah, I might study for school as well. But I must set my priorities straight and focus on... the Wii. :lol:
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