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Game(s) of the Year?

With lists of top games of '07 all over the internet, it's kind of hard to choose especially since I haven't played many of the games found on other lists.

My personal top 10 games of the year in no particular order are:

  • Geometry Wars: Galaxies (Wii, DS)
  • Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
  • Bioshock (XBOX 360)
  • Rock Band (XBOX 360, PS3)
  • Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (Wii; duh)
  • Halo 3 (XBOX 360)
  • Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii)
  • Portal (PC, XBOX 360, PS3)
  • Unreal Tournament 3 (PC, PS3)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS)

That's right Geometry Wars: Galaxies. Everyone must realize the greatness of that game!

My Burfday...!

I'm sick, and it's my birthday. What luck.
I did exactly what Microsoft wanted me to; buy a xbox 360 because of Gears of War. And there you go, a wii60 was born (with some tape and a little bit of work).
I bought five xbox 360 games:
  • Gears of War
  • Dead Rising
  • Burnout Revenge
  • Viva Piñata
and two xbox games:
  • Halo 1
  • Halo 2
I also purchased some xbox live arcade games:
  • Doom
  • Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
  • Geometry Wars Evolved
  • Uno
All these games are just great. BUT it's really taking away from my Wii time. Though, I do play a few hours of Zelda from time to time (almost done with that).

My sister bought me World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, and she's doing a horrible job at hiding it. I wasn't even looking for it, and it's been in front of me everywhere I go. I'm wondering if I was suppose to notice it or something. That is great of her though. mmm family love.

Tomorrow is the Fall of Troy show... good poop


Wii != Good Grades

I got my component cables!!! Last week actually. I've been pretty busy playing Zelda, and Virtual Console games.

School is going to need a little more priority right now. So... I will try to finish Red Steel soon. I'll write a review about that. That game is an interesting topic.

I finally got a second nunchuk for the Wii. I had already bought a second Wiimote, but it was literally impossible to find another nunchuk in stores. But today it looks like retailers are selling more Wii consoles today... so I stopped by Circuit City and picked up a couple. On that note, I also found classic controllers at Toys R' Us last night! So I grabbed a few for some of my friends as well. Anything Nintendo has out right now is just an easy buy...if you got the money.

I picked up Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 about a week ago. That game is just great. One problem is that the learning curve is pretty huge. It'll take you a while to get used to the controls, while playing each tutorial. And there are many tutorials. I don't know how soon I will be beating that game. Having Zelda to play...and Red Steel...and having some Gamecube games I recently got... will just occupy my time for a while. I'm just overwhelmed with games right now. I went a little crazy.

Elibits seems to have changed dates on the GameStop website... from 12/19 to 12/12... I can't wait for that.

November was great. I hope December can keep me just as excited. Nintendo is good at doing that. Sony sucks at it. Microsoft is just consistently... pretty good I guess. I wont be buying any other consoles for a long time. The only reason I want a PS3 is for FFXIII... I'm sure they will have crazy games later on that are exclusive, but it's just too much money right now.

One of these days...

My Precioussss

Early Sunday morning at around 8:30 am I quickly lined up in front of my local GameStop to receive my Wii. They were suppose to open an hour early at 9:00 am, but they didn't about until around 9:30. They were decorating the inside of the place, but we didn't care! We wanted our Wii consoles. I payed for my Wii and found out they had no extra Wii-motes or Nunchuck attachments... I was advised by the GameStop manager that Frys may have a lot of extra ones. I drive there, and they have two extra Wii-motes and no extra Nunchucks... *sigh* :? I need to find an extra Nunchuck! How can I play Wii Boxing with two people without it!?!?

I recently discovered my Wii Sports was acting weird... The disc gets the SLIGHTEST scratch (from it's own badly designed case that is made to scratch a disc!!). It looked like it was perfect at the time it starting not reading. Then I tried multiple strategies. It almost felt like I was trying to get a game to work on the NES or the SNES. Frustrating in a very nostalgic way, but I wanted to play Wii Sports, and that feeling sucks. So now the game is basically not working, unless I try countless times with many different strategies. So, today I call Nintendo's Customer Service, and I describe my problem and they are going to replace my game Disc... Though, it does say "repair", I want a new disc. I don't think I would be happy if they tried cleaning it and sent it back. I wouldn't mind a real Wii Sports case for it either... :D I hope they send me a new one quickly. I can't take the lack of it.

Is it weird that Wii Boxing makes me feel like I got a work out? Don't say yes so quickly because I was getting into it and moving around. I wasn't sitting down and slightly moving my hands in a girly b*tch slap style. I liked the fact that it made me really work for winning around of boxing in a video game.

My component cables and Zelda TP has YET to come in. I'm guessing they will both arrive tomorrow. But why would I pre-order Zelda if I could have just picked it up any other day? Instead of getting it four days late? I just want it now. Especially since my Wii Sports will be away from me for a while.

I'm still waiting for a Katamary announcement for the Wii from Konami. My dream won't die.


Tenacious Lee

I went and saw Tenacious D, for free, last night! Probably one of the most entertaining shows I have ever been to. Everyone was smoking in the crowd and everything. They played almost every song off their old and new cds. You just wouldn't know how satisfying it is for them to sing F*ck Her Gently live:twisted:, unless, of course, you have already seen them play live. And on a side note: backstage passes aren't that great, unless all of the band comes out to the sucky backstage area, compared to the cool people backstage area(which i did not have access too).

Well... The Wii comes out tomorrow. Just found out that Greg Kasavin didn't think Red Steel was too great. He gave it a 5.5 (mediocre) rating. It kinda bugs me that hype makes all those people who played the game before hand thought the game was cool, but they were just hyping something up because they had never played a shooting game with something like a Wii Remote. And the developers of the game are of course going to love anything they make... blindly, and never say a bad word about their own software. EVER. Unless it's in retrospect many years later(example: John Romero and the game Daikatana).
Alright, I shall not rate how much I enjoy this game based on this review, but I have yet to obtain my Wii... :cry:

So I'm stuck here for about another 22 hours without my Wii. Best Buy emailed me about how my pre-order for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess may come a little late. They said they will be shipping it around the 19th, which gives them leeway to send it however many days late! I would have just pre-ordered it from GameStop then. At first I thought to myself, "Ok... I have Red Steel. That will pass the time until I get Zelda." Then I realize that Red Steel may not be that fun, even with multiplayer (which I will have to decide for myself). And now I may feel stranded for a few days with my Wii. Though, at the same time I will be able to review Wii Sports and Red Steel without being tempted to play Zelda. Oh... and yeah, I might study for school as well. But I must set my priorities straight and focus on... the Wii. :lol:



Red Steel came out today. I had it pre-ordered and I picked it up at GameStop. The design for the Wii game boxes are very sleek and I'm happy with it's simplicity.

I can only hope this game can be a classic for the Wii, just like how GoldenEye was for the N64. I remember seeing an interview with the developers and how they mentioned that the US version was not going to include any blood. WHAT THE HELL? All of a sudden Ubisoft thinks they can be a good guy by not including blood in a game that doesn't contain any drugs, whore murdering (and drinking hot coffee... if you can hack into the game), and other various explicit content in any Grand Theft Auto game. What? Did they think that Jack Thompson was going to force them to see a copy of the game before it released? Bullocks... Give me blood. Give me decapitation. Who doesn't want to see their actions precisely cut off someone's body part, or give them a well deserved gash pouring with blood. (If only Ubisoft can even pull that off with the Wii's hardware...)

Well, in other news. I ordered my Wii Component Cables today from the store. I'm not sure if mine is coming in the first shipment or second..., but I hope it's the first. I have a LCD HDTV here in my room....and I really want my first Wii experience to be perfect. *busts out the candles*

Unfortunately my GameStop is not having a midnight launch... but they are so nice to open ONE HOUR early on launch day. Bastards. I have a pre-order. I don't care if it's an hour early. I want it 9 hours before that, so I can play with it until I pass out.

I'm really waiting on some more Wii reviews. I'll be trying to review a few when I get my Wii.

Viva la Wii