neodimo / Member

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Red Steel came out today. I had it pre-ordered and I picked it up at GameStop. The design for the Wii game boxes are very sleek and I'm happy with it's simplicity.

I can only hope this game can be a classic for the Wii, just like how GoldenEye was for the N64. I remember seeing an interview with the developers and how they mentioned that the US version was not going to include any blood. WHAT THE HELL? All of a sudden Ubisoft thinks they can be a good guy by not including blood in a game that doesn't contain any drugs, whore murdering (and drinking hot coffee... if you can hack into the game), and other various explicit content in any Grand Theft Auto game. What? Did they think that Jack Thompson was going to force them to see a copy of the game before it released? Bullocks... Give me blood. Give me decapitation. Who doesn't want to see their actions precisely cut off someone's body part, or give them a well deserved gash pouring with blood. (If only Ubisoft can even pull that off with the Wii's hardware...)

Well, in other news. I ordered my Wii Component Cables today from the store. I'm not sure if mine is coming in the first shipment or second..., but I hope it's the first. I have a LCD HDTV here in my room....and I really want my first Wii experience to be perfect. *busts out the candles*

Unfortunately my GameStop is not having a midnight launch... but they are so nice to open ONE HOUR early on launch day. Bastards. I have a pre-order. I don't care if it's an hour early. I want it 9 hours before that, so I can play with it until I pass out.

I'm really waiting on some more Wii reviews. I'll be trying to review a few when I get my Wii.

Viva la Wii