neodragon / Member

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neodragon Blog

Hey kids, I'm back!

So, after a year of hardware hiatus I'm back to the old GS. If you need any computer help hit up the PC hardware board.

Now to sift through these 123 new PMs...

Food Union Power UP!

Woo-hoo! The union that has been brewing in my head for quite some time is now a reality!

If you would like to join and make some posts in our forum justĀ  visit here.

I made the banner and icon in like five minutes so if you have a better one, suggest away...

Hey, I also just noticed this "Neighborly" badge, now how did I get that?

Also, plz ignore the fact that I rated NHL 2004. Not only have I not played the game, but I think I rated it by accident (not to say that it's a bad game). When I'm caught up on my schoolwork I'll post the game reviews that I've been writing local.

Hey guys, I'm back (kind of)

The reason I havn't been on gamespot in a while is becasue I havn't had a keyboard. My dad took it away because he wanted me to concentrate on school work. I guess I should seeing as high school counts, and pretty much decides the rest of your life (in a sense). Anyway, I've been sneaking the keyboard for some gaming every now and again [but not long enough to make a forum post lol]. I just built this system too... it really pisses me off.

Anyway, I've been able to keep up with my favorite TechTv people

ahh crap here comes my mom