@jellyman68 @neogeta8 There has been comments where people have said her personal opinion should not have swayed her to score the game 9/10. This is even mentioned in the above video. So by people criticising her for doing this they are either being hypocritical or deluding themselves that they have never done this. Plus I'm quite sure much more important decisions have been made where personal influence has come into it. A game review in the grand scale of things isn't really that important. GTA games would sell on the name alone.
And she hasn't screwed up, that's the point. Her opinion is that the game is a 9/10 and she has given her reasons why she thinks this is. People should challenge this and give their reasons why they think she is wrong but there is no need for people to be abusive in how they do this.
You have missed the point entirely. If people feel the reviewer has let her judgement be clouded by her own personal opinions then say that but don't call her a "f**king moron" and make out that you have never done it, as that would mean 1) you have no emotions 2) you live in a hole in the ground with no other human contact 3) you're lying.
Humans are emotional creatures who make mistakes and who have different opinions. But these opinions need to be delivered in a constructive and none threatening manner. If you come across someone with a different opinion than you during a face-to-face conversation you don't (I hope) start shouting obscenities at them and threatening them with physical harm. You certainly wouldn't go up to their boss and say that they need to sack this person!!
To have a different opinion is fine. To attack someone personally for having that different opinion is not.
Eric Jensen, Ph.D. author of The Learning Brain answers the following questions: What are emotions? “Biologically driven, cross-cultural responses to environmental stimuli.” What is the difference between emotions and feelings? “Emotions are cross cultural – the same all over the world. Feelings are a subset of all of our mind-body states (disappointment, hunger, hope, etc. There are hundreds of them!). Feelings are a learned response in the culture in which you grow up (the family, the peers, the community, etc.)”
Anabel Jensen, Ph.D. is the President of Six Seconds, coauthor of Self-Science and Handle With Care, and a professor of education at the College of Notre Dame. What are emotions? “Emotions are generated in the brain and the brain drives the body.” What is the difference between emotions and feelings? “Emotions are the raw material. They come with the DNA package. Feelings are the interpretation of the raw data given by the brain and reinforced by the individual's culture.”
Dr. Joseph LeDoux describes the difference between feelings and emotions that his research has proven. “Feelings are a conscious experience, while emotions originate from deep within the brain at an unconscious level.” http://www.learningplaceonline.com/children/Morton/02-brain-imprints.htm
An excellent Feedbackula which hit the nail on the head.
Clearly everyone on here who has made a comment about the original reviewer letting her personal opinion come into the review has never let their own opinion or personal life affect a decision they made at work. And do you know what these people are called...liars.
And the best part is that this comment thread is just yet another mutation of the exact kind of comments that were brought up in the video. If GTA V is a perfect game then why would Rockstar want to make another? (yes I know you'll say money!) The only place left for them to go is down or stay exactly where they are at best.
I would always be wary of anything that is 'perfect' as the very basis of our existence isn't perfect which is why we strive for constant improvement (evolution anyone?!).
If/when GTA 6 comes out what happens if that is a 10/10 game? That game is perfect so GTA V becomes none perfect? The second you find a glitch, get stuck in a wall, the sound doesn't sync with the action being carried out, a frame freezes, a car you are getting into drags you down the street a 100yrds at 50mph but you still get in the car, all these things mean a game isn't perfect!! It may be 9.999999999999999/10 BUT IT CAN NOT BE PERFECT!!!
We all moan that the medium of games aren't taken seriously and that the mainstream look down on them but when, as a community, we behave like this who can blame them. Lets just spell it out here C-O-N-S-T-R-U-C-T-I-V-E C-R-I-T-I-C-I-S-M. Threatening someone and/or hurling abuse at them is not constructive, it's not even criticism, it is just abusive and bullying.
Looks like the end of the game console has arrived. Welcome to the 'entertainment hub'. And people will buy it regardless, just look at COD.
Think I'll still save up the cash and put it into a shit hot PC. Better graphics, faster, easier to upgrade, can already run multiple programs, won't spy on me, doesn't need constanct Internet connection.
Why do people always seem to miss the fact that most of these violent video games have an 18 certificate yet parents are still happy to buy them for their children who are sometimes not even in their teens?
I have pointed out to the shop assistant selling a parent with their child an 18 rated game before (was obviously buying the game for the kid) that he wasn't old enough to play the game, parents response was "It's only a game".
Until retailers take these ratings seriously and parents learn that the age ratings aren't there just for fun this arguement will go on and on. Parents can't blame violent video games that are age restricted until they stop buying them for their underage kids.
neogeta8's comments