@treymok: play anywhere, backwards compat, better controller, faster download caps and less latency. Like I said in the post you replied to. It has better apps and is a more streamline and useful piece of plastic when it comes to everything but exclusives which the ps4 has loads of,but so far only a few tickle my pickle. I will admit those few are better than the xb1 exclusives. In the end it's all an opinion and preferences so don't sweat my taste, just keep gaming. The ps4 is a fine console. The pspro is the most powerful ever built so enjoy that perk while you can.
@onehitta323: it does have inferior hardware,but it's not an inferior console. It does more things better than a ps4.
You can believe what ever you want buddy I'm not saying your wrong. It is a fact that xblive is more stable. I'm not the one denying facts am I?
I'm not going to lie. If xblive went down every week I wouldn't play on xbox. I would stick to the better console which is a ps4. I just happen to prefer the controller, features, apps, and faster connections and downloads. My latency on my ps4 is usually double what it would be on xblive. It's still under 80ms but I would like to keep it as low as possible. I'm sorry that I prefer the inferior console,but to me it performs better over all. They are both pieces of plastic that are basically the same. I just like the xb1 controller more.
They are both great though. Once gt sport comes out you want catch me on an Xbox until scorpio....watch.
One day if I'm lucky I will actually catch xblive down. It always misses me or I'm out when it goes down. I remember one time my Xbox app wasn't working so I couldn't buy a game and start the download from work.
@wtf_666: thats a moderen alternative fact...I think it's our federal Reserve that keeps us in debt, it's the money that goes missing or to black ops.
It's the military industrial complex that has infiltrated every position of power in this country to keep the war machine running. That is what is wrong with this country and the world. Greedy people not poor people.
Neoistheone's comments