@elmarine2064: I would pay more attention. Most of the world is full of lies. Sony does it as well but you don't see sales slowing down. Well to be fair Sony is better than Microsoft at keeping negative facts out of the public mind.
I think it's just that most people like to ignore when Sony says something sketchy but go wild when Microsoft does the same.
@livedreamplay: not sure but there's a good chance you'll get a free copy for Xbox or pc with one purchase using the play anywhere thing. If they are included in the play anywhere line up then on one purchase is necessary for both win10 devices.
@reduc_ab_: it actually got a lot better for the xbots in mid to late 2015.
I had a lot of fun last year on Ark.
Ironically the former xb1 exclusive, Ark, is the best selling ps4 game last month.
So it looks like some ponies, that kept saying "what games?," are enjoying a game the xbots had since 2015.
I didn't get a launch xb1 so I wouldn't know how bad it was. The xb1 was the only console in the past 25 years that I didn't get at launch day. I don't regret that decision as the xb1 of today imo is a better overall experience than the ps4.
@pcps4xb: yeah the npd report from December showed that only 238,000 pro units were sold in the us which was about 15 percent of total ps4 sales. Other reports from different regions also show that most people prefer the og ps4 over the ps4 pro.
Some websites covered it but most don't spread that info as they are pro sony.
@Arkhalipso: the second half thing was kinda weird. Since the ps4 only beat xb1 by around 50 thousand units in December the xb1s beat the ps4 after its launch for the rest of the year. They have to give it investors something to keep them happy.
Not a lot of people saw that coming. This past month was also a close one. I have a feeling that the xb1 might win 6 npds this year but of course it will still be dominated by ps4 worldwide sales.
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