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neokid1640 Blog

wrath of the lich king!!!!!!

I've been waiting for this ever since bc my rogue is only lvl 44 and a half thus ima have to grind my balls off to hit lvl 70 that way im ready to actually to be at northrend the day of release to make up for the fact i missed out on the DP event....*sigh*i still wish i got that tabard from the event......but this time ima b ready for going to lvl 80 WOOT FOR BLIZZARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in "LOVE" with and anime(sorry unavoidable pun)

A anime ive known about for a while i recently started watching. The title is "Love Hina" and u can watch on youtube due to the company ran outta funds 25 episodes and 3 "specials" in to the series which was made of of the manga of the same name. You can pick the manga up as well i reccomend it since it answers some questions the show did not and goes more in depth then the show. so at least watch it on you tube it may seem a lil "mushy" like story but i got addicted to this show and wish they made ALOT more episodes:)

woot lvl 6..........and im back on warcraft.......and some other game

yay im probably gonna create a union here once i think of what id want it to be well yes im back on warcraft though im not playing as much as i used to but soon that will change.i also discovered a game through some forums on a different site the game is "scions of fate" it really isnt a bad download game it takes up like 500 mb though.but its more of a martial artist like game with a few different classes and 2 different branchs from that class when you choose your side (order side or chaos side). you have to click on a space to move there but its made up for by very very fast respawns meaning no more worrying bout kill stealers and lots of members there just playing and willing to form a party with of all though........its free to play the only money youd ever have to spend is through there premium shop for special items.........even then players sell premium shop items so really you may never have to spend money and you could still get the items. its a great game and i reccomend ya check it out(will b riting a review on it soon).

lord of the rings online......

Started playing on friday and I must say its not too bad. Though there are some glitchs and lag its understandable since its still a beta. As well Id reccomend u try it at some point or another its kinda hard to lvl up but I dont think its as hard as warcraft, though warcraft you can get rest in LOTRO you cant so monsters give low exp. It is funny so far though i must say that.......with all the glitchs the horses you can ride to different area stray from their jumped me straight down the waterfall to my

red vs blue

i have now find a new love of my life(no not a actual person) red vs blue. now if there is nothing on tv, all i have to do is grab my laptop, or a reg comp, wichever is available and start watching. take it from me red vs blue is a funny and awsome mini series of halo.


planning on buying LOTRO...............another god danged dent going into me wallet........but thankfully my birthday is rite around the corner and as well i forgot about the christmas money i let my dad borrow while he was going on a buisness trip so thats another 50 well i have to find the rest of my money(my house cant b too big to find some bills.........or can it) o well but even with most likely paying 25$ a month ill make it through.........somehow........


nothing much for me to say but i love warcraft (not that way you perverts) though right now i need to buy another card for it (going on 2 months without playing it thanks to a tight wallet......dang monetary problems) but ill soon be back on it if u wanna find me im mortichi on the gnomeregan the way yes im obsessed with wanting to kill ragnaros due to the fact MC has the raid armor i want (nightslayer).

very soon i will start doing reveiws when i have to time and i look forward to good my dreams.ah but one can dream cant he?please dont answer that i dont need random hate messages hehehe.

If you play WoW search up me friends as well there names are tombombadil and wiffleman as well as dantez as well as one more ogleavemar.they r all on gnomeregan server.also im hear to advertise my guild on WoW same server name is VALOR.......:)