nothing much for me to say but i love warcraft (not that way you perverts) though right now i need to buy another card for it (going on 2 months without playing it thanks to a tight wallet......dang monetary problems) but ill soon be back on it if u wanna find me im mortichi on the gnomeregan the way yes im obsessed with wanting to kill ragnaros due to the fact MC has the raid armor i want (nightslayer).
very soon i will start doing reveiws when i have to time and i look forward to good my dreams.ah but one can dream cant he?please dont answer that i dont need random hate messages hehehe.
If you play WoW search up me friends as well there names are tombombadil and wiffleman as well as dantez as well as one more ogleavemar.they r all on gnomeregan server.also im hear to advertise my guild on WoW same server name is VALOR.......:)