From your fragmented sentences I'm assuming you're saying that every person has rights no matter what their sexual orientation, but you personally disagree with gay people. And what do you mean "if a bi girl comes in the room watch out"? Do you detest bisexuals? Does the fact that a girl finds both males and females attractive threaten you? If you're going to give your opinion on something, be thorough with it. I think she/he means some men are so pitifully shallow that the fact a female likes both genders in a sexual manner is enough for them to find her attractive..and even then...some men find bisexual women attractive for whatever reason.. And therefore there will be a war between straight and gay people? I'm missing the logic here. Whatever she meant (and I'm assuming she because of she said "from a straight girl point of view") was lost in her explanation of her beliefs.[QUOTE="neondreamscape"][QUOTE="zoraluv"]fine i'll post my beliefs gays have's the same as anybody......but everyone sneers......but if a bi girl comes in the room watch out.......i'm just saying from a straight girl point of veiw people are being just as a snob as they say they of these days somethings going to blow up give it about 50 yrsXx_Hopeless_xX
neondreamscape's forum posts
Let me put in simple terms that transcend cultural and religious barriers- Restricting yourself to one mate that you are committed to all but eliminates:
-unwanted pregnancies resulting from unmarried people having sex.
"Restricting yourself to one mate" doesn't mean that there won't be unwanted pregnancies in that relationship. Even if you were married, an unwanted pregnancy can happen any time -- remembering that not all married couples want kids.
While true that married people have unwanted pregnancies, they are generally in a much better position to take care of a child. Not to mention that the child is much more likely to have 2 parents to take care of them.
-the emotional difficulties that children born from unmarried parents face. Especially when the parents don't stay together in any sort of committed relationship to raise the child (happens more often than not). Children naturally need to have a mother and a father. When one, the other, or both are missing, the child loses out.
There are many couples today who decide that they don't need marriage to validate their love for each other, and these couples still have kids who grow up to be healthy, normal adults. Marriage doesn't define your childs' emotional health -- parents do. Also, there are many children who have grown up with one parent and they couldn't be more normal. Children don't need to naturally have a mother and a father as long as they have a mother figure and a father figure in their lives. It doesn't have to be biological.
While I won't refute that there are many unmarried, but "committed" couples having children.. I have to wonder why they wouldn't just get married. There is something in their minds or hearts holding them back. The fact that children MAY be able to latch onto a mother and father "figure" does not invalidate the responsibility that the child's biological parents have to them for bringing them into this world. Your argument sounds to me like you're trying to find a way out for people who create children together.
Assuming the sexual partners use "safe sex" and there is no pregnancy, you still face these issues that are very prevelant in society today:
-the spread of STDs from having multiple sex partners
If sexual partners are having "safe sex," as you said above, then the spread of STDs would be unlikely. Also, you don't have to have sexual intercourse to get an STD.
Once again.. this statement doesn't acknowledge the "spirit" of the point I was making. This is like trying to defend shooting at people just because they're all wearing bulletproof vests. The vest might stop 90% of the bullets, but if you kill the person you're still a murderer.
-Emotional issues that ARE inherent to people having multiple partners. When I say this, I am referring to the "boy, I feel like crap that I slept with that person I didn't love last night" feeling. Also- the loss of self-worth that self-respecting people feel when they give up their intimacy to someone who they later find out didn't take the act of sex as seriously as they did. Marriage helps to eliminate these problems, if it is USED CORRECTLY. Anything can be misused and trampled on, as marriage has been.
Marriage is a union between two people. Those people make that union unique to suit their needs and wants. The way you explain marriage here makes it seem like a cure for a horrible disease. And I dare to ask, what makes having multiple partners immoral? If you had more than one partner at the same time, and everyone in that "threesome," so to speak, knew that you had more than one partner and they all consented to that being okay, how is that wrong? It happens in marriage, too, all perfectly consenting adults aware of what's going on.
If anything, people shouldn't be getting married after meeting the first person you "fall in love" with because you have absolutely no idea how to function in a healthy relationship yet. Thankfully people can say, "Oh, I wish I didn't sleep with that person I did last night," instead of saying, "Oh, I wish I didn't sleep with my husband/wife last night." And if you are intimate with someone and you take it very seriously, and find out later that they didn't, you should probably refine your judgment.
The simple interjection of "if it is used correctly" puts my original statement in context. We all know that marriages fail. They fail very often in today's world, because they are not based on deeply-rooted compatibiliy and moral values. If people have those values, and know each other well enough in every way BUT sexually, they can work out any issues in the bedroom that might arise. Let's not compare sex to a scrimmage, or a warm-up before the real game.
I have made irrefutable arguments that sex only within committed relationships, and more specifically, marriages is beneficial to society. If you can come up with more relevant benefits to the sexual promescuity that is prevelant in today's society, be my guest. I didn't even address the "moral" side of "right and wrong" that is taught by religions in regards to sex. To those who don't believe in holy texts such as the Bible, consider this- Where did the IDEAS that murder, rape, theft, AND fornication, as well as infidelity come from? They came from religion, and from the writings such as those in the Bible and other holy texts across multiple cultures. So you choose to follow SOME of the ideas from these texts because you believe them to be black and white, right and wrong.. but not others?
There are both positive and negatives to marriage just like there is anything else. To one person, there are many benefits to having multiple partners. To another person, there are many benefits of having his/her one and only. The bible has not been around since the beginning of humanity. The bible is a human generated concept, just like marriage is. The idea of murder, rape, theft, fornication, and infedility did not originate in the bible. These ideas have been present ever since humanity has been present. The bible simply took these ideas and made them either right or wrong, depending on how the people who wrote the bible decided they wanted humanity to behave. To say that everything originated in the bible is a fallacy.
The ideas of murder, rape, fornication, and infidelity did NOT just come out of thin air. They were handed down to us by a creator, and then put into a book because we as humans are too stupid to interpret situations on our own. Right and wrong is a natural sense, and the Bible (and other such writings and laws) help us to fine-tune these senses for everyday life.
The simple answer for why our society has taken such a view of sex lies in the nature of humans. We seek pleasure, and we seek the easy and quick way to get it. The right way is often far from the easy way.
The right way for you, perhaps. But it is not THE right way. There is no right way. There are many right ways to do one thing.
You must realize that there are some things in life that there is NO right way to do, and some that have only one right way. The only right way to turn on my monitor was to push the power button. Sure, I could have taken the thing apart and figured out another way to do it.. but it was DESIGNED to work a certain way. I feel that humans are also designed this way when it comes to sex. Any other way just gets messy.
All your replies come off as arrogant, as if you are the authority on this subject. I can also tell all your replies are rooted deeply in some sort of faith. You are free to believe in the god that you do, but my god is not the same as yours, and neither is the better. I ask you to remember to separate church and state, and to take a critical thinking course while you're at it. Remember that your opinion is no better than any other, and holds no greater authority.
Let me put in simple terms that transcend cultural and religious barriers- Restricting yourself to one mate that you are committed to all but eliminates:
-unwanted pregnancies resulting from unmarried people having sex.
"Restricting yourself to one mate" doesn't mean that there won't be unwanted pregnancies in that relationship. Even if you were married, an unwanted pregnancy can happen any time -- remembering that not all married couples want kids.
-the emotional difficulties that children born from unmarried parents face. Especially when the parents don't stay together in any sort of committed relationship to raise the child (happens more often than not). Children naturally need to have a mother and a father. When one, the other, or both are missing, the child loses out.
There are many couples today who decide that they don't need marriage to validate their love for each other, and these couples still have kids who grow up to be healthy, normal adults. Marriage doesn't define your childs' emotional health -- parents do. Also, there are many children who have grown up with one parent and they couldn't be more normal. Children don't need to naturally have a mother and a father as long as they have a mother figure and a father figure in their lives. It doesn't have to be biological.
Assuming the sexual partners use "safe sex" and there is no pregnancy, you still face these issues that are very prevelant in society today:
-the spread of STDs from having multiple sex partners
If sexual partners are having "safe sex," as you said above, then the spread of STDs would be unlikely. Also, you don't have to have sexual intercourse to get an STD.
-Emotional issues that ARE inherent to people having multiple partners. When I say this, I am referring to the "boy, I feel like crap that I slept with that person I didn't love last night" feeling. Also- the loss of self-worth that self-respecting people feel when they give up their intimacy to someone who they later find out didn't take the act of sex as seriously as they did. Marriage helps to eliminate these problems, if it is USED CORRECTLY. Anything can be misused and trampled on, as marriage has been.
Marriage is a union between two people. Those people make that union unique to suit their needs and wants. The way you explain marriage here makes it seem like a cure for a horrible disease. And I dare to ask, what makes having multiple partners immoral? If you had more than one partner at the same time, and everyone in that "threesome," so to speak, knew that you had more than one partner and they all consented to that being okay, how is that wrong? It happens in marriage, too, all perfectly consenting adults aware of what's going on.
If anything, people shouldn't be getting married after meeting the first person you "fall in love" with because you have absolutely no idea how to function in a healthy relationship yet. Thankfully people can say, "Oh, I wish I didn't sleep with that person I did last night," instead of saying, "Oh, I wish I didn't sleep with my husband/wife last night." And if you are intimate with someone and you take it very seriously, and find out later that they didn't, you should probably refine your judgment.
I have made irrefutable arguments that sex only within committed relationships, and more specifically, marriages is beneficial to society. If you can come up with more relevant benefits to the sexual promescuity that is prevelant in today's society, be my guest. I didn't even address the "moral" side of "right and wrong" that is taught by religions in regards to sex. To those who don't believe in holy texts such as the Bible, consider this- Where did the IDEAS that murder, rape, theft, AND fornication, as well as infidelity come from? They came from religion, and from the writings such as those in the Bible and other holy texts across multiple cultures. So you choose to follow SOME of the ideas from these texts because you believe them to be black and white, right and wrong.. but not others?
There are both positive and negatives to marriage just like there is anything else. To one person, there are many benefits to having multiple partners. To another person, there are many benefits of having his/her one and only. The bible has not been around since the beginning of humanity. The bible is a human generated concept, just like marriage is. The idea of murder, rape, theft, fornication, and infedility did not originate in the bible. These ideas have been present ever since humanity has been present. The bible simply took these ideas and made them either right or wrong, depending on how the people who wrote the bible decided they wanted humanity to behave. To say that everything originated in the bible is a fallacy.
The simple answer for why our society has taken such a view of sex lies in the nature of humans. We seek pleasure, and we seek the easy and quick way to get it. The right way is often far from the easy way.
The right way for you, perhaps. But it is not THE right way. There is no right way. There are many right ways to do one thing.
The only wrongfulness of premarital sex that I can think of has come out of religion. The act of sex is human nature that has been around since day one. Sex is a survival instinct. Before we knew how to make love, we just acted on the instinct that tells us we must perpetuate ourselves. In this way, the formal concept of marriage hasn't been around forever – it's a human generated concept, just like premarital sex is. We decided that premarital sex was wrong not too long ago, just like we've decided that it's acceptable in these days, in a world that is freer than it has ever been in written history. Perhaps society has come to realize that we shouldn't disprove of something that is basic human nature – the thing, in fact, that ensured that humanity is still here today.
I can see this explanation as objectifying sex. It is, but when you get down to it, sex is just a survival instinct. It's also whatever you make it to be. If sex is a sacred act to you meant for a couple who have eternally devoted themselves to each other, then that's great. If that will keep sex valuable to you, then go for it. Everyone places different value on sex. If people want to have multiple consenting partners, then they should be allowed to do that with the full approval of society. After all, how could a basic human function be wrong? It's what we were meant to do. The beauty of being human is being able to decide how to do it.
Before you try any harsh chemical or perscription drug, be aware that acne, although still having an unknown cause, has 3 major probable causes:
1. Diet/Deficiency of nutrients
2. Stress
3. Hormones
If you're a teenager, it's likely due to hormones, but can definitely be due to all three of those. If you're an adult with acne, it's best to go see a dermatologist and see what they recommend.
I either drop what I'm writing and go do something completely different, fun, and potentially inspiring, or I just zone out and think. I find that writing prompts also help tremendously.
I pet my dog though. It doesn't give me consent for me to pet it, now does it?[QUOTE="neondreamscape"]
Obviously gender shouldn't matter, but species is a different issue. They can't consent to being in a relationship with a human, and since they can't communicate clearly with us and tell us exactly what they think, then it can definitely be considered animal abuse. The entire relationship would be based on coercion; the animal can't say what it wants and doesn't want, so it basically becomes the human forcing his/herself upon him/her, which, even in a human to human relationship, isn't healthy for either party.
A lot different than having sex with it, don't you think?
Obviously gender shouldn't matter, but species is a different issue. They can't consent to being in a relationship with a human, and since they can't communicate clearly with us and tell us exactly what they think, then it can definitely be considered animal abuse. The entire relationship would be based on coercion; the animal can't say what it wants and doesn't want, so it basically becomes the human forcing his/herself upon him/her, which, even in a human to human relationship, isn't healthy for either party.
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