22 days until the PS3 is launched....
I'm quite confident that will be a huge success based on the PS1 and PS2 sales stats over their life spans.
I'm really hopeing that Sony suprises us all and has their intended 6 million units ready and in stores by November 17th instead of their alleged 400,000 units.
I mean that would be a hell of a sales strategy to convince the public that there is a limited number, and cause a mass panic in people.
There is always the desire to have the first of anything in us humans.
More people will line up anxious to get their consoles nervously wondering if when they get to the front of the line...
They will be told that the PS3 is sold out....
But if there was indeed enough consoles, you would have to be further back in the line to see that fear realized....This is just my opinon, and I do hope that Sony really does have all 6 million units prepared for launch....
Only time will tell....
22 Days.....
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