I tried out the demo for Virtual Villagers I downloaded from Gamespot.com and I have to say it wasn't that bad.
There are a few concerns that I have over it though....
I really hope they improve this, because I don't want to sit around forever for the villagers to make a little bit of progress....
The graphics are rather simple, but as we know from games in the past...
Having incredible graphics don't always make great games, and games with sub-par graphics can be good or great games.
I do hope they fix how a mother holds her child (infant) because the kid looks like it is floating in place by anti gravity and the mother's hands never touch it.
(But that's only a minor problem.)
The A.I could use some tweeking before they put this thing out, they A.I is so-so, it's not to bad and it's not to good.
The villagers can be dumb as bricks sometimes.
This game looks like it may have potential, let's just hope they don't drop the ball on this title.