Just want to say, Merry Christmas everyone! And may your holiday season be filled with joy and good wishes!
neoyamato_pi Blog
Turkey Day has Finally Arrived!
by neoyamato_pi on Comments
It's that time of year again where we can stuff ourselves till the breaking point and feel good about it, unless you'd rather not, and think of what you're thankful for. Though this year, I'm particularly thankful that it's Thanksgiving itself--one of the only breaks of fall semester. It's been a long semester. Anyways, hope y'all have a Happy Thanksgiving full of turkey and other Thanksgiving-like food. And a great Black Friday as well, if you're into shopping that day.
Happy Halloween!
by neoyamato_pi on Comments
Happy Halloween! Hope your night was full of terror and excitement, or candy, whatever floats your boat.
New Laptop
by neoyamato_pi on Comments
Alright, finally got a new laptop and it be moving a lot better than my old one, obviously. Finally get to use Windows 7 on my own computer.
10 Years Ago
by neoyamato_pi on Comments
A moment of silence to honor those who have passed that tragic day ten years ago.
by neoyamato_pi on Comments
Alright, well starting from tomorrow, I'll be officially in my college dorm room and college will soon start to follow. Can't believe it's actually starting up but man am I pumped. I can't wait to start living like a college student. I can actually sleep in...kinda. And responsibility-free summer was indeed responsibility free. Probably only summer I will ever have that is responsibility free.
Happy 4th of the Seventh Month of the Year
by neoyamato_pi on Comments
Suppose mainly for those in the states, but if today's special in other ways which I'm sure it is to some, Happy 4th of July!
by neoyamato_pi on Comments
Well, tonight I graduate high school. It's been kind of fun with tons of laughs. Feels like doing squats with all the standing and sitting I'm going to be doing with honors, NHS, and the likes. Well, as much as I hate bragging, guess I'll also mention I'm a valedictorian. Not that it matters much later. After 6 30 I'll be done with high school! And then off to project grad. Very exciting to say the least.
Eight More Weeks
by neoyamato_pi on Comments
Only eight more weeks, and high school is over. Can't say if I'm happy or sad by that fact, dunno why.
Wisdom Teeth
by neoyamato_pi on Comments
Well I got my wisdom teeth pulled today. Wasn't too bad...minus the injections ofanesthesia, and was pretty quick for all four. Too bad I can't really eat solids for like a week. And the blood. oh the blood.
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