Not as dramatic as 5 yrs should show, but still a good bit of difference. They should have added Mario 64 to show the evolution rather than just a potential "Wii graphic sucks" fire starter.
Once you've really played with the tool, you are sure to spend hours and hours making up the funniest videos and strangest levels you've ever seen. I'd challenge all of the doubters to play the Rocket Race and then understand why this game excels. No other game for any console gives you the ability to do anything like that. This game IS revolutionary because it crosses the PC/Console bridge somewhat, giving the user a much more in depth experience. Whether or not the Campaign is the greatest thing ever is moot imo, this game simply rocks on every front and is the most game that any one game has ever been able to produce.
Sticking with my X360 and PC. If I just "have" to go with Blu-Ray, I'll just wait 6 months for the players to drop below $200. There is nothing special about the PS3, and too much at risk. Brand new Playstation Network, brand new tech (Blu--Ray), huge heat sap. A couple of games proprietary to PS3, but for the most part, just the same titles. PS2 backwards compatible? Whoopty-doo. Everytime I fire up a previous gen game, I play for a minute, and then remember why I sold it for $5 at a garage sale. I'm happy with my purchases, PS3 just seems like nothing new. Wii on the other hand....
nephthyswandere's comments