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nerd_rock_riot Blog

Why are there three new formats?

No sooner had all the VHS finally made it off the shelves than Blu-Ray, HD-DVD, and PSP formats suddenly popped up, threatning the idustry standard yet again... Honestly, i've seen both on big screen Hi-def TV's and while it looks good... its not a significant enough improvement to make me yearn and replace my entire DVD collection with more expensive over hyped products.  I hope that these go the way of Laser Disc and Beta Tapes...

OS Tyranny

Just to start.... I use XP and love it, but I do hate the monolith that Microsoft has become and their attempts to make us spend exhorbant amounts of money on the same OS with an updated interface, extras that you can download for free for XP, and a new graphics engine that proclaims to be the future even though everything we've seen is an artists rendition of what it is supposed to look like once it ships.  Yes there are many updates on Vista that are note worthy, but none are things that couldn't have been done with another service pack for XP. Don't even get me started on the DRM scheme.  All in all, unless Half Life 2 Episode 3 is a DX10 only game, i will never buy an OS for more than $200 that makes my current games run like crap, won't support the hardware I'm running, and is a variable Big Brother when it comes to DRM.

Also take this into account... OSX is $40... Linux is free... why is Windows $200-$400? Is really that much better?

And on one more note... the entire French government has decided to switch all their computers in their offices from Windows to Linux based workstations and use open source office,email, and browser.