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I hate video games.


I hate video games.  I hate video games.  I hate video games.  The frustration is now even more profounder.  Halo 2 was a lot of fun until the VERY LAST guy who I can't beat.  The whole way through the game there was the perfect balance of difficulty and payoff. Since then I have been profoundly frustrated by games WAAAAAAAY before reaching anything resembling the "last guy." 

Ultimate Spider Man was going swimmingly.  Fighting? check.  Webbing? check.  Then "Johnny Flame" or whatever his name is challenges me to a race around the city.  Everything is fine except my steering.  I would be ahead of him, then suddenly take an accidental ninety degree turn due to where my web landed (but I can't AIM it...) and he would flame right by CALLING ME NAMES AND MOCKING ME.  After losing to this dude four times in a row, my left hand had an awful cramp and I threw the controller across the room.   

The Punisher (xbox) was going okay, I killed a lot of people, I advanced through the levels.  But somewhere in the first third of the game...I kept dying violently due to the sheer number of people shooting at me.  Again, I played the level about four times, died, and threw the controller.

Metroid 2 (gamecube) has now killed me thrice with a giant version of what got put in Chekov's ear in Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan.  I am sick of this.  This is NOT fun.  I can play video games for hours, but I cannot play THE SAME LEVEL for hours.  I am now officially stuck and not even close to the 1/3 mark in this one.  

Star Wars Battlefront kills me in the very first level.  I finished the training, and get killed every time on this first planet.  I've tried running, I've tried using the rocket launcher, I've tried riding the AT-AE or whatever it's called. I've played it ten times and I cannot get past the FIRST BLOODY LEVEL.  

I hate video games.