by neutronvortex05 on Comments
Hi, This is my first post in this blog thing here at TV.com (obviously, :roll: ) To tell you the truth, I won't be using this all that much because firstly I'm far too busy to do so and secondly I already have a blog at blogger.com with a team 5 other people (3 girls, 3 guys; 2 Americans, 4 Canadians) and a blog of sorts on my website (when it finally gets posted up, I'm still working on a few things). If you would like to read the daily crazy lives of 5 teenagers and a college student then you can go to mine, Annie's (FOPRules07), Liam's (melvingard), Timmy's, Emma's and Bob's blogger blog at: The Average League So, mostly for this "blog" I will be talking about stuff concerning TV (i.e. TV.com, TV shows, channels, etc). Other than that, my next post will be an introduction of me, everything you could have ever wanted to know or not wanted to know. Doesn't matter. It will be more like a more detailed "profile" all about me. After that, I will be writing a review for a channel since on this site the only review options are to review a show or an episode. It doesn't give you the option to post a "review" about a channel. Because of that, I am going to put them in my blog instead. First Up (after my indepth profile): Be looking forward to a review of Nickelodeon (channel 299/300 on satellite [DirecTV]). Coming soon...hopefully.