Whatever happened to Burning Questions? This is an insurmountable question on its own it seems. But really folks, doesn't it push your buttons whenever a good TV show, or anything else of that sort, suddenly takes a long trip to nowhere and oddly enough announces several eras later that it is on a "hiatus"?
Sure Burning Questions (BQ) probably wasn't the most mature reading material here at Gamespot, but hotdamn was it amusing! Just like in the movie industry BQ was the equivalent of a corny (yet blindingly good) B-movie compared to some of the other, more focused features. You might ponder as to what the heck is wrong with me ranting about a stupid mailbag, and I reply by saying that anyone who ever treated said column as a properplace of infermationis an idiot himself/herself. It was a total trashcan, filled with all sorts of chunky, smelly, un-intellectual questions from a few boneheaded and clueless people (which I think would also include myself to some extent). Sure there have been a few diamonds-in-the-rough but that's just about it.
It would be nice to see BQ materialize on paper (metaphorically) again, not only because I hate reading the monotonous newspaper but because of all those wacky, goofy and utterly ridiculous "questions", and that punk who suffered the horrible fate of having to withstand and somehow answer them. Seriously I feel sorry for the poor sap; I think it was Alex...something...whatever!
PS: It's clearly indicated that this entry is part-one of an entire saga. I will be posting the second segment soon. For now I'm on a HIATUS. Live with it!