crazymoose99 How are people idiots for not liking a game? I can give you 3 reasons why I don't like Halo but you just shrug it off right? And who says we care what people think? no one cares that you don't care okay?
kyrieee It won't be praised, this is by far the most revoulutionary thing to happen to console fps' , but if Halo 3 had it than it would be considered God, I mean the fact that they made this feature just to show a level editor is proof enough that it would happen.
Revolution_DDM I did mention multiplayer, and I said that it was good but it eventually got boring, I don't know guys jumping and shooting each other isn't that great but for what it's worth it is pretty good. But I applaud you for being mature in your post, too bad I can't say the same for alot of these Halo fanboys.
RollingZeppelin Going by your logic if all the reviewers said Halo is bad than all of a sudden it is? This is what I call a fanboy, who uses questionable logic to get their point across. I can understand if you like this game but if think it's good because the reviewers told you so than that makes you a lemming....sorry.
Are you people freaking kidding me? I played Halo and it does not deserve any of the hype, it doesn't deserve to be in the top 100 games list, or be this overhyped and overrated. First of all, its not revolutionary, the fact that you can only carry 2 guns and drive (Its really fun, but its been done before) the snow level, the convenant ship and the library have piss poor level design ( and you have to go on the covenant ship and snow level TWICE) the rest of the levels were meh, there are only 4 types of enemies, story isn't anything speacial (sorta boring)and its told to you through cortana. All the things that it did 'incredibly right' is really exaggerated considering that shooting aliens can't be done wrong. It's multiplayer was good for a while but it became sorta boring, overall I'd give it a 7.7/10, yet there are people calling it the most important thing to ever happen to gaming, and its the greatest ever. If your gonna reply to my comment than please refrain from using words like 'noob' 'hater' or anything like that and that I'm a ps2 owner (what does that have to do with anything?) or that i'm sad because I wish I had it or anything like that...
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