This blog post is about the three main things that video game creators do, that really get on my nerves.
1. I personally hate it so much when video game creators, like Rockstar of Bungie, release stupid trailers three and a half months before the highly anticipated game comes out. This is exactly the case with Halo 3 and Grand Theft Auto IV. Plus, when those highly anticipated trailers of those highly anticipated games come out, they show nothing...NOTHING of the game itself. Maybe they just love pissing us off.
2. I hate it when franchises release video game console exclusives. I was mad when all the Grand Theft Auto games came out for the Playstation 2 alone. They finally wised up and ported them to the Xbox(not very well, I may add) and only then was I half-satisfied. They need to make video games for the reason they were invented in the first place... so people can be able to play them. No more, Gears of War, just for the Microsoft stuff, and no more L.A. Noire(although, there is a possibility of a 360 version).
Finally, the last thing that game creators really do that piss me off to no end.
3. I hate it so, so, so, so much, when video game developers, put so much emphasis on a crappy game. They make it seem like its going to be the greatest game ever, because of how much they hype it, and it ends up being a bad game. Take Prey for instance. This game that came out for the Xbox 360 was heavily hyped to be the next great first-person shooter, and it ended up being an overly difficult, repetitive, buggy mess of a game. Of course, there are many people that I like it, I'm assuming. Another game that ended up like this, is Red Steel for the Nintendo Wii. This game had so much emphasis on it, because it combined action movie style gunfights, and samurai sword fighting. Unfortuanetly, both of these things became very awkward in the game, and that combined with terrible controls, horrible sound/voice acting, and an unbelievably ridiculous storyline, made it a overhyped failure. And the last example I have is Sonic the Hedgehog. I loved the original, and a remake for the "next" generation consoles sounded like a great idea. The game was a resounding, and utter failure. Watch the review on here to see what I mean.
I think you for listening to my rant, and hopefully you agree with some things I said. Good night, and good luck.