Ok, I can understand what you are saying. I am not lying, or changing the story around at all. Now, my arm was nearly torn off, because a piece of beam fell on it, and I have little feeling left in that arm. My uncle and cousin were found next to each other, because they had met in the building previously, and were trying to get out. Things were crashing all around, and I blacked out and had a gash on my head, so I am assuming a couple of objects fell on my head.
I never said you were more offensive than the CTs. I just get really upset when people say I exaggerate my story. I do not. I get even more angry when people say that my loved ones died for nothing, because our government needed something to justify their invasion of the Middle East. It is disrespectful to the dead, the relatives/friends of the dead, and everyone else. CTs can believe what they want, but the fact of the matter is, they are mostly yuppies that will believe anything they see on CNN, or read in the Times, or hear from Charlie Sheen, Michael Moore, or Alex Jones. Sure, make up your scientific "facts" that you saw on Loose Change, but there is no denying the fact that there are actual facts that prove conspiracy theorists otherwise. There were no explosives, Larry didn't give the order to demolish WTC 7, and Bush, nor anyone in the entire government, Clinton and Bush, was involved. I mean, you guys say that Bush and Clinton are "dumbasses" and "morons" yet, even with help from other countries, how in bloody hell could they come up with, and execute such a genius plot? They COULDN'T. The conspiracy theorists that say Bush is an idiot, contridict themselves. Bush is hardly ever a good president, everyone knows that. He did not orchastrate the 9/11/2001 attacks though, and anyone who says otherwise is just plain gullible. Do you believe that FDR orchastrated Pearl Harbor? The Apollo Moon Landings are fake? Bigfoot is real? O.J. Simpson is truly innocent?
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