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Things at work: Stuff that bugs me part 1 - Size

I work in a varied and unique environment, every day is something new and always exciting! Yep you guessed it, imma male gigo.....ok no i work in a coffee shop:lol:. Working in a coffe shop has its ups and downs and more downs and even more downs but im lucky to work in a mostly relaxed shop with cool managers. Working in at that place for the past 8 or so months has inadvertedly created a long list of things that piss me off -_-;. Today i vent my frustation at the first thing on that list - Size.

96.8% of all customers order in this manner.
Me: Hello Sir/Ma'am, what can I get you.
Customer: Yea lemme get a Cappucino......
Me: Medium or large b1tch!!?

Well of course i dont swear at them tho i would love too. Every customer seems to assume im psychic which annoys me EVERY time. Tip for the next time you order any drink that can vary in size; Specify a size or you WILL be mind gamed into spending more monies on a size you dont need.