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#1 nezea
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

What the hell, Tifa's voice is just fine. You shouldn't be PMSing just because the role was given to a celebrity; never.magitekk

It's not because she's a celebrity, but because it was badly done. She was quite alright in KH 2, but in Duodecim her winning qoutes are just awful. When she says  that one about getting a little stronger she sounds so not convicing it makes me want to train her way harder. And well, it might've been the point, but I don't like it. Especially when comparing it with her japanese voice actress. I love the ***. Tifa. And in comparison, Rachael scores rather low for me. But it might also be the fact, that I generally tend to like the ***. voices more. 

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#2 nezea
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts
Hilda Might've not been his type and there's nothing really about him not being bisexual. And Beatrix deserves someone great. I mean, i wouldn't pair Kuja with a woman if not for the fact that there's no one else decent enough to pair with Beatrix. Amarant/Salamander is a no-no, Zidane is well, zidane, I wouldn't do that to my beloved Beatrix, and Steiner is old and rusty. Kuja is pretty much the only one left. And since there is no one decent enough from the males for him too, then I guess it's a win-win situation :P
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#3 nezea
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts
Part 2Favourites
1. Game(s) in General:FFs (duh), Resident Evils, Silent Hills, The Last Odyssey, Dragon Age Origins and DA II, Mass Effect, Lineage 2, Kingdom Hearts, Patapons, Mirror's Edge, Disciples (they could work more on 3 though, It would be such an amazing game), Mortal Kombat 2011, Dead or Alive, Fire Emblems, Wakfu is growing on me, Atlantica Online, Skies of Arcadia, Star Ocean The Last Hope, Magna Carta 2, Soul Caliburs, Last Blades, Basically any RPG Square makes, Tomb Raiders, Harvest Moon A wonderful Life and Hero of the leaf valley. 
2. FF Game: I'd say FF VIII for romance, FF XIII for battles, FF VII for Tifa, FF X for Shiva. I like story of each FF, since they are all so different. And despite what so many people claim, I find FF XIII story good too.
3. Console(s): Dunno, I don't have one. Every console has something I love that the others don't.  If Xbox360 gets FFvsXIII then I won't bother to buy Ps3 though.

4. Movie(s):I love asian Horror movies. Ju-on (all 7 of them), Gabal, Sick nurses to name the few ( I'm bad with titles :P). I also love zombie movies (Resident Evils with amazing Mila, Dawn and Day and Survival Of the Dead (or Living dead, never know which one it is) Shaun of the Dead.) Others: But I'm a Cheerleader, The Love of Siam, Braham Staker Dracula with Keanu Reeves, Monster, Ultraviolet. Dunno, I watched so many of them T.T
5. TV Show(s): Buffy The Vampire slayer (definite number one.) Generally Sci-Fi or Fantasy ones. I love everything Joss Whedon does (apart from BtvS - Dollhouse, Firefly,), V remake, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Doctor who (since 2005), Vampire Diaries (so much better than Twilight), Modern Family, Glee, Desperate Housewives, Misfits, Being Human, LostGirl, DeadSet, The Walking Dead. Seriously, I don't know how do i manage to watch them all. The list's not full. 
6. Food: Imma vegetarian. I love vege Pizzas.
7. Colour: Pink all the way. I  know. I love bright colors too. So The order would be like this: Pink, Orange, Yellow, Violet/Purple, Green, Red, Black. I hate blue and white's not a color :P
8. Music: Utada Hikaru, Imogen Heap, Adele, Florence and the Machines, Britney Spears, Kesha, Rihanna, Marina and the Diamonds,Sarah Brightman, Kerli, a little of 30 seconds to mars and Within Temptation, and Evanescence. I'm a bit of a musical trash-can - I listen to everything if I like it, but I generally lean towards electro-dance-pop. 
9. Place of Travel: Japan, Africa, Brazil, Egypt, New Zeland.
1. Other interests and hobbies:Seriously, mainly playing games. i love mmo's and co-op games. I love to sing. I love to draw and I love to write, but I have such a terribly short attention span. I play like 4 games technically at the same time, I try to write 5 "books" simultaneously and can't finish a drawing before starting a next one.
2. Contact Information: lytche1 on skype. 
3. Random Facts:I got seriously interested in witches when I was three. My mum was terrified. Still is :P.My mum is, however, a great support for me. Love her.Always wanted to be a princess - to do nothing, wear pretty clothes and have people to do my bidding. Was told I can't since i can be only a prince. Didn't like the idea of being forced to do the rescue rather than be the one rescued, dedicated my life to showing people that choice is not a privilege, but a right. Same goes to being oneself.Hate hurting others sometimes too much, hence I have a problem with assertiveness. Working on it.I'm terrified of bugs. I have arachnophobia and I fear heights. I'm really weird o.O
Take care guyz, wonder who will actually read it whole :PI hope I won't scare you too much.Nonetheless, That's it.
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#4 nezea
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

 Part 1


1. Short Introduction:

Hi guyz. Somehow I've missed this place, and I'm such a FF fan. Well, Square Enix, games, music, and TV series fan too but that's less relevant.


2. GS

Name: nezea. (A name of a character I made for a book I will write someday, of course, but everything else was taken, and since I like it, I took it as mine for GS)


3. Real Name:

Dariusz. Yeah, not English. I go by Uriko most of the time though, and came to react to my own nickname better than to my RL name. Well, I'd like to be able to name myself o.O.


4. Position In FFE:-

Dun' have any yet o.O?



Genderqueer. Sex is Male though.


6. Date of Birth:

29th May 1987.


7. Place of Birth :

Piekary Slaskie, a small town in Poland, size of an village, with close-minded people and a place of Poles' Catholic pilgrimage (does it take a plural form? Pilgrimages?)

8. Height:

1,85 m. Dunno how much in feet. Round 6 I'd say?

9. Weight (jk):

Yes. I weight too. I'd rather not, but still do.

10. Ethnicity:


11. Current Location of Residence:


12. Religion:

Pagan (neo-pagan, neo-techno-pagan. Closely connected to Wicca though.)

13. Job:

Student. I study English Philology on one of the Polish Universities.

14. Personality:

Bright and optimistic. Likes to help people. Sees good everywhere. 

15, Habits/Mannerisms:

 Talks too much. Babbles when nervous. Likes to remind people that gender-binary is manmade.

16. Girl/Boy Friends:

None. I mean I do have friends, just none of them is my partner. I don't mind having any though. Girl/boy/others/lizzard-like-alien friend.


17. Pets:

My Cat. Dust. Lovely monster with claws, cause I'm too lazy to deal with them. He has allergies, not only the food kind. i love him.

18. What Do You Look for in a Person:

Open-mindedness. And non Alpha-traits. Alpha Males and Alpha Females scare me, pardon my language, **** I love when people are funny,a bit weird and original. And I love when they like to talk bout their lives. People are so interesting.


19. What Do You Look Away From in a Person:

Alpha traits. Alpha Men are too violent and can't be reasoned with and have no interests incommon with me, alpha females expect me to be "the man" and serve them like I'm, dunno, a servant. And I don't like it when people expect you to do something only because "you're supposed to" or "that's natural/normal/everyone does that". I like to think for myself.

20. Consoles Owned:

Psp and Xbox 360. Used to have Gamecube, Ps2 and PSone, gave them away to my niece and nephew.

21. How Long Have You Played Games:

I got my first amiga when I was 7. But my father used to borrow a Pegasus from my neighbours when I was 3. I loved Mario. And that guy in a circus walking on a rope, juping through circles set on fire and fighting monkeys or something. 

Since then.

22. Which Final Fantasy Have You Played:



23. If you could be any FF character, which character would you be:

Kuja or Tifa. Kuja cause he has a kick-ass attire, pink ultima and cool trance, Tifa, cause she fights with her fists and has long black tail ending in a delphin's tale. Though everyone of my friends who played FF VIII say that Rinoa was based on me.

24. How long have you been on Gamespot:

2-3 years? I used it like only to learn bout games though.

25. Favorite muscial instrument:

My voice. I love to sing. I love violin and piano, but can't play them. I'm not big on guitars and I hate saxophone.


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#5 nezea
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

Hi guys, mind if I jump in? Just wanted to add my thoughts on the topic ^^.

I really love Squall/Rinoa pairing, I find it the most romantic story ever. And they are both great characters, so my vote's for them.

Other than that I do believe Fang and Vanille should be a pair, unless S-E plans on keeping them crystallized and touching their hands forever.  As a couple they would be awesome.

Freya/Her guy who's name I don't remember from FF IX. Her story seemed so very sad yet I keep on wondering how that played out for her. After the ending.

And as much as I hate Aerith, I'd let her have both Cloud and Zack. Tifa can do much better.

And what about Zell and Seifer? Didn't you guys feel they had a thing going on? Zell was as asexual as he could in the straight world of FF VIII and Seifer didn't dig Rinoa and was obsessed to be a knight of an unavailable sorceress - closeted much? Though I bet you wouldn't agree on that one :P

And Kuja. Too bad he died. He could be such a great pair with Beatrix. Not that they had any interaction whatsoever, it's just Beatrix and Steiner, seriously? C'mon, Kuja looks better, acts better and can cast Ultima! 


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#6 nezea
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Though I know I'm going to regret writing this, I think Square lacks any non-stereotypic romances.

The hints of Zell in FFVIII and Vanille and Fang in FF XIII is pretty and lovely, but as far as suggestiveness goes they are as easily to be interpreted as homosexual as they could be as single but straight (same goes to The Last Remnant.)

Why can't they do things as bluntly open as they did in f.e. Bahamut Lagoon on Snes? Though the English localization kind of dropped that plot and rewritten in into a close friendship, the Japanese version is abundantly clear about it.

They could be some bisexuals, homosexuals and stuff. FF VII was skilfully playing with it and the later titles just sorta dropped it. And it's like  not all gamers are straight (or well gay for that matter) and yet games developers, and Square Enix in particular shyes away from the idea of diversity of sexual orientation.

I know I know, it's their vision of characters, not mine, and I love almost all of the characters Square's making (apart from Snow.) Still, it would be a nice addition. People wouldn't have to take such characters to their team, yet those like me would.  Mind you, they made Kuja.

Putting that aside, they could really improve the English voice overs though. Some of the character voices are breathtaking and so very convincing, others sound awful. I'd think they could find someone who at least can pretend to be able to act (I'm mainly hinting at Vanille and Yuna here. As much as I love Vanille, every time she opens her mouth I feel like throwing a grenade down her throat. And I don't know if I dislike Yuna because of her voice, or her voice, because it's Yuna's, but still, I'm certain they could've done it better. And I'll NEVER forgive them for giving Tifa to Rachael Leigh Cook. Never)

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#7 nezea
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Vaan is just another one of those cheery, androgynous protagonists that I simply just can't see anyone liking...magitekk

Really? I found him too masculine in a boyish, childish kind of way that put me off. He's so cocky and annoying, and has the worst hair ever (Well, Square could at least let us color the main protagonist hair. Every protagonist since FF VII is blond, except for Squall, and Yuna, but she's X-2 so it's more of a spin-off  hence it doesn't count. And I'm not really sure what color is Lightning's hair, it's like a mixture of strawberry blond and silver, but I'd put it neatly in the blond heroes category anyway. And Snow is almost as much as important and he is blond too. Omg, I hate the SE blondfest.) 


I keep checking for a HD reedition of those games for a year now, but not even a single rumor's flying around. Gosh, it'd be so simple for them, why won't they do it? T.T