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Too Human: Demo Impressions

Ok, i've finished the demo, took me about an hour an 10 minutes, becuase i wanted to really get a feel for the game. I think i have enough of an idea now to give my impressions on the demo.

The premise of the game, the story, the characters etc, seem very interesting. Baldur seems very much the stereotypical strong, silent, honour driven hero, but there is definately something about him that makes him seem appealing. the character designs are also quite good, although at times can border on the generic. In terms of the way the characters are presented in the game, however, there are a number of serious issues. For example, the hair on the characters is almost laughable at times, and the shooting animation on Baldaur is god awful, as it seems like his arms have absolutely no connection to his body, and are simply just mechanical utensils that aim and fire whilst the character remains absolutely static. the texture detail on the armour at times makes it painfully clear that the majority of the effort went into the facial animations as well.

The voice acting isnt bad, the script isnt bad, but there are times when the two seriously fail to gel together. One key example is when you meet Freya for the first time, and she speaks in a manner that you would expect based on the mythology and her social status in the game. So far so good. However, when she speaks the line that goes something like "come on, we dont want to keep them waiting", and the way it is spoken in that context feels like (in my experience at least) a jarring colloquialism that doesnt fit in with the approach the story seems to want to take. This is also apparent with much of the soldiers dialogue. The music, however, in stark contrast to the dialogue, is very atmospheric and does its job excellently. Notably the ressurection music is very cool, but ill come back to the ressurection aspect later.

My biggest issue with the presentation, is that it seemed like i'd done it all before, last year with a little game called Mass Effect. the whole presentation, from the cutscenes, to the HUD, to the menus and character designs, all seem to be a rip practically straight from ME. That may not necessarily be a bad thing, but Too Human doesnt do it as well as Mass Effect. There are numerous times when the framerate does not know what it wants to do, and it all feels like a wasted potential to expand upon something brilliant. There is no involvement with the cutscenes, so it appears as though about the only influence you have on your character is the choice you make at the beginning for the class, and how you choose to level your character up. Perhaps i am asking too much, but this feels like a game where being "Too Human", you would allow the player to shape the human aspects of the character. Ther is, however, no loading that i saw, which is a nice feature. Of course, i didnt see any elevators either...

The environments range from stunning to "meh". There are times that you will walk into a room and be floored by the detail and effort put into the architecture and decor. There are other times when it pulls you straight out of the game with invisible walls popping up all over the place. You cant jump on top of areas that look interesting to see them close up, you cant jump over certain areas to get closer to the environments, and its tragic because there are some fantastic looking things that will never be revealed in detail. Perhaps this is the previous 10 years showing through, when invisible walls were prevelant and acceptable because there was little that could be done about them on old hardware.

I dont want to talk too much about the levelling aspect, because ive only seen very little of what is undoubtedly a vast area of the game, but what i saw seems very promising. it seems simple enough, get skill points, get experience, upgrade character. It works well because, although you have no influence on your characters behaviour, you have absolute influence on how they fight. The loot as well also seems to be well executed, and appears to be in a similar vein to to WOW style loot.

The combat is fairly simple. Its practically a twin stick shooter at times with the controls, but dont be fooled, there is some depth to it. The juggles can be a lot of fun to use, and if you can overlook the horrid shooting animation, the gun attacks are great to mix in too. There are also a number of enemy specific attacks, such as climbing on a golem, that add a little variety to the usual combat you would expect to encounter.

The problem? There is NO risk-reward balance at all. If you die, you are simply revived and thrown straight back into battle. You could argue some of the battles are supposed to be like puzzles, but even games like shadow of the colossus, that had puzzle battles as the whole premise of the game, had penalty for death. Annoyingly, you cant even skip through the revival process and get straight back to the action. Maybe that is the punishment for dying...

Overall, there is fun to be had. If you are willing to overlook the flaws, then this could be a fantastic game for you. However, the flaws at times can be pretty gaping, so definately go in to the game prepared and with an open mind.

HAZE demo impressions

Well, Haze is now up on the PSN store in Europe. Here are my impressions.

The graphics are not the best, but it looks very good still. The colours are very vibrant, and it makes a nice change from next-gen grey/brown. Walking through the forest is quite immersive, as there is a lot of attention to detail. The sound is excellent as well. Very clear, although im not yet convinced on the script ant voice acting. It wasnt bad, but its something ill have to wait until the final game to judge.

The control sceme is very good, although i would have preferred to have had the triggers act as the gunfire and grenade, and switched upthe nectar and melee to L1/R1. I havent checked the control options yet though. I did love the way they used the HUD for the tutorial. The nectar itself seems to have its uses, although overdosing didnt cause a bad a loss of self control as i expected. However, one moment when i glimpsed my AI teammate overdosing and killing another ally made for quite an intense experience as i ran and hid from him wilst avoiding rebels.

The co-op seems to work well, although i havent been online yet. Good news is that the game has the friends list from the XMB integrated though .

Overall, from what the demo showed, its definately a solid game, and its nowhere near the disaster many expected.

Lets try this again shall we?

Well, having beaten Dead risings 3 hour mode and unlocked overtime, im going to take a break and have another stab at Gears of war. I dont know what it is about this game that makes me not want to play it, but god knows theres something blocking me. I dont know, the pacing just feels a little off to me, and the mechanics just dont seem to click. Its a gorgeous looking game, and i can see why it was so amazing back in 2006, but i get the feeling it may be showing its age with gamers who are just picking it up.

Regardless, i will finish it on Hardcore at least, and i hope I get the same enjoyment out of it as i progress through the game that many before me already have.

34 days into 2008, the console war is turned on its arse.

Well, its been an interesting month hasnt it? Lots of figures coming out, lots of announcements, lots of rumours, and we havent even managed to get to the full on gaming events yet (CES is more of an electronics, show IMO, but it had some big news this year). Quite frankly, im going to praise Sony in this blog post because i think they deserve it. They took enough slack when they cocked things up (and boy, did they cock things up), so i think its only fair that we give acknowledgement and praise where its due.

Sony has really come out of the gate strong this year. if you wanted to see 2008 be the PS3s year, you couldn't ask for a better start. Lets recap shall we?

-WB goes BD exclusive

-Skype announced for PSP

-GPS announced for PSP

-In game XMB promised for 2008 (i suspect sooner rather than later)

-Gaming division makes profit

-Sony breaks even on PS3

-Worldwide figures show PS3 outselling 360 on 2007

To me, thats 3 months worth of good news at least. With GDC just around the corner, i cannot wait to see whats in store for us. Is the waiting finally over? I hope so...

That Key Demographic (or why the PS3 needs Gran Turismo 5 ASAP)

Some of you might have heard of this new console called the Wii. Produced by Nintendo, it seeks to take a step back from the graphical and technological race that the Xbox 360 and PS3 are embroiled in, and is taking to an altogether different style of play. Physical interaction seems to be the name of the game here, and people love it it seems. Just looking at the NPD numbers, you get to see just how much people seem to want this, but why is it so popular? Some argue its the price, some argue its the interactivity. Many argue its because it hits the right demographic.

This demographic seems to be taking very well to this new "casual gaming" lark, and sales figures all across the world prove this. Of course, with it appealling to Soccer moms and kids, why wouldnt it? Well, that may be true, but thats not the demographic Nintendo has hit that is giving the wii all this success.

You see, a lot of the time, you wont see a kid buying a Wii. The chances are only 30% or so of the time will you see a mother buying their child a wii. No, the big demographic to hit seems to have been the dad. The archetypal, 35-50 year old middle-class adult male. Why? Because a good amount of the time, they're the ones who have the money (this is not always the case at all, but a significant amount of the time it is). Most of these dads will not invest in a console unless they will benefit for themselves, and Wii Sports gives them that. I mean, its not a dvd player, its not got the best selection of games, and if the kids get bored of it then its a lot of money for a small white brick.

This brings me, in a roundabout way, back to my original point. Gran Turismo 5. Gran Turismo has always been a staple of the Playstation brand, right back to the first game on the PSOne. If you have ever worked in a game store, you'll know where im going with this. The PS2 sold 120 million or so consoles worldwide, and a lot of the fathers that bought PS2s are now the ones buying Wii consoles. If ever asked about the alst generation (the PS2), they tend to remember a few things. Buzz, Guitar hero, and Gran Turismo. The former two are fun for them, but its the latter that gets them talking. They played it, they love it, and if the price is right, they would do it all again to see it in HD. If Sony wants a huge sales spike, thats what they need.

Gran Turismo 5 (even prologue) + $399 price + This demographic = a month or two boost worldwide.

Yeah, a month or two isnt a lot, but if it buys them time to release Home, get the online right and really show these dads what this console can do, believe me, it will all work out very well for Sony.

November brings an end to fanboyism: Dispelling the myths

Well, here it is, one month from Christmas. both the Ps3 and wii have been out a year now, and the 360 has 2 under its belt. I thought now would be a good time to have a look back at the fanboyish arguments that have come out of last year, and see what can be made of them. Still credible? Hmm...

1. The 360 is horribly unreliable.

Well, Im not quite sure there was ever that much concrete evidence for the 33% failure rate quoted, although it was no secret that the defect rate was higher than normal. With the release of the falcon chipsets, the early reports for the 360 seem to be good. I bought my Elite in September, and it doesn't get too hot or loud, so im guessing i have a falcon machine. the thing works great, and i would say that if this is the reason you're holding out on buying one, then don't worry about it anymore.

Conclusion: False

2. The Wii has no good games, and is just a kiddy console.

We don't all live in system wars. Flop or no flop, it's hard to deny the wii is really shaping up to have a mature Hardcore gamers library. SMG, Zelda: TP, Metroid Prime 3, Resident Evil 4, Super Paper Marioand soon to be SSBB show us that the Wii is just as accessible to the older gamer who doesnt like the waggle that much. The virtual console is great for those of us who grew up with the NES, and as much as i was skeptical, i really dont see how at this point in time a hardcore gamer can just write off the wii. Its fun, probably the most fun you'll have had since the PsOne/N64 era.

Conclusion: False

3. The Ps3 has no good games.

Im sick of this one. This is theone that shows who is into gaming for fun, and who is in it for scores and ownage.If you own only a PS3,you are more than taken care of. Here are 10 games you should own; Resistance: Fall of man, motorstorm, Heavenly sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Oblivion, Ratchet & Clank Future: TOD, Uncharted, COD4, Warhawk andEveryday Shooter. If thats not enough for you then frankly you probably need a new hobby, because you're becoming overlyobsessed with gaming.

Conclusion: False

4. The Ps3 is too expensive.

$399 for entry unit, and $499 for full unit and two games. Far from the exhorborent price it was on release. Still not perfect, but to get with that Blu-ray and free online, as well as controllers with charge kits built in, i would say thats very reasonable. Still should come with a HDMI though.

Conclusion: False

5. The 360 has too many addons.

This is the only one i am inclined to agree with. while the HD-DVD drive is completely optional, i would say that the play and charge kits and the wireless adapter should be in with the console. $100 (£50 in the UK) is ridiculous for something that is standard on Wii, PS3, DS and PSP. Add to that the price of live and suddenly you've spent a lot of money on something you could have had free elsewhere. Excluding the play and charge kits wouldnt be so bad if the batteries lasted longer. my Wii gets more playtime than my 360 right now due to SMG, and eats upbatteries at half the speed.

Conslusion: True

This is all my opinion. Disagree if you must.

Keep the change

When you work in a game store, i guess you begin to understand a bit more about the mentality of the consumer, and get to see the way the so-called "casual" works. Having worked at GAME for a week now, i've all too quickly come to realise what will win this console war.


Or, more specifically, value for money.

I mean, it must be pretty obvious right now why the wii has done as well as it has in its first year. With the exception of a few gems, the games have beenquite lackluster, thecontrols have a bit of alearning curve, and don't always work well, and its graphics are inadvertantly limited for the most part (although it can look quite impressive at times).but the thing is £179.99. I mean, thats nothing when you consider what you get with it. You get a great and innovative console, a controller, a nunchuck, a game, wireless and free internet access with multitudes of optional extras to put on there. The kids love it, the adults love it, and its a mediumthroughwhich familys can use to actually get together and have fun.

And right now, its like gold dust.We will probably get in 20 a week and they'll be gone instantly. 20 consoles will go out the day they come in, now thats phenomenal.Even the PS2 was not in that high a demand, but we'll come back to the PS2 later.

Now i know a lot of people will be cursing me having seen this, screaming how "It's games that sell consoles!!" Well, the sad fact about the games industry these days is that as much as we would like to believe otherwise, Games are not the top priority anymore.

The second big seller this week was a 60GB PS3. Not a 40Gb, a 60Gb. Why? Because for an extra £50, you get two games, an extra 20GB HDD, and backwards compatibility. Or for an extra £80, you can get 3 games, spiderman 3 on blu-ray, and all of the above. Why would you want a 40Gb when a 60Gb is better value for money? Granted, Sony will not beat nintendo even slightly here, but in the UKthey are waaay ahead of microsoft here. Live may bea better online service, but to play online wirelessly, its £100 (£60 for adapter and £40 for live p/a), and then another £40 each year. The second casual gamers andparents shopping for their children realise this, they go off the 360 completely. These people aren't stupid, they would rather pay a decent amount now and save in the long run.

"But wait!!" i hear you cry, "the PS2 sold loads because of its games!!" And my reply to that is, well it did and it didn't. It did have a big boost from its games, but at the same time, it was everything you needed at the time. it was a cheap DVD player, a great games machine, and required minimal addons to get the best experience (a memory card, and thats about it). It was exactly what the wii is this generation, great value for money.

I guess i'll keep updating this over christmas, since it sure is interesting seeing this all happening from the inside.