nick13jaremek's forum posts
Hi there!
Recently, I have seen some videos and images where appeared characters as Samus Aran or Old Snake, Marcus Fenix, etc...
I haven't found them for the UT3 Pc version.
Are those models available for Pc or are they PS3 exclusive? Where canI get them?
Thank you very much
Hi, guys!
Well, that's my question. I'm looking for a Nintendo documentary, made by the BBC, where a blond girl is interviewing Shigeru Miyamoto, and also, Yamauchi makes his appearance.
This documentary was previously uploaded in Google Videos, but now it's not available, it's been deleted or something else.
So, if someone could tell me where can I get/watch this documentary I'll be very grateful. I don't care if it's in English with or without subtitles, I just want to watch it, because a friend of mine and I are looking for it.
We have found some websites about this video, but all the links redirect us to Google Video where appears an error message "Video not available".
So please, tell me if you find this documentary. Thanks :D
1) I'm pretty sure it's, "I need to know what happened, give me that!"
2) He says, "I don't want to die, man! Not like this!"
Ok, thanks man :D
Well, it's true that the background music difficults the labor. Thank you all guys.
I'd like to know two things.
1-In the 2nd trailer, Niko is talking with Roman, he is asking him something. What does Niko says exactly? I don't catch all the words. In the script that I found, Niko says "I need to know what happened, give me them"
I don't hear all these words...
2-In the 3rd trailer, when Roman is upset and is with Niko. Roman says something very quickly and i don't understand exactly what he says. Then Niko replies "We must fight this people. It's them or us, cousin!"
What does Roman say?
If you could help me at least with these dialogues I'll thank you very much. I know that the Russian accent complicates everything, and the music too. But I'm curious and want to know what they say, to get used to the english speaking with russian accent and also, to the normal english speaking.
So, thanks again guys ;)
Hi there people!
Well, my question is very stupid for you, but important for me. I have an obsession. It's that when I watch a videogames trailer (in this case is GTA IV) I want to know every word spoken by the characters.
The fact is that I live in Spain, so I'm not used to English speaking. I know english, i know speaking it, but hearing english is more difficult for me. I was searching on the Internet the scripts of the Second and the Third GTA IV Trailers. When I read them I got confussed: there were words which were wrong.
For example, in the Third trailer, when Roman gets out from a container nervously, Niko tries to calm him down saying: "Don't be ridiculous you've been careful!"
In this last sentence, I understand "careful". In the script that I found I read that Niko says "paranoid". I thing those guys who wrote that script screwed up.
So I want to ask you a favor. Could somebody give me a trustful script of the dialogues of the 2nd and the 3rd GTA IV trailers?
I'll be very grateful. And please, forgive me if there are any grammar mistakes in this post. Remember that I'm from Spain. I hope you understood my problem. Thank you very much ;)
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