I just have this gutt feeling. Anyone else think its going to get delayed?
nick36001's forum posts
Uncharted 4.
A sequel to Ni No Kuni.
I think unchatd 4 would have been a huge system sells for the Playstation 4. Its not to big of a deal it wasn't there but i would have liked to see it. I am bumbed we didn't get to see a sequel to Ni No Kuni i think that would have been sick. Any games you with you could have seen?
They kinda just zoomed by it but just in case you are still confused.
Found at the bottom of this video.
I respect sony for respecting our consumer rights. Once we buy the game it is ours to keep. sell. Or shit on. It is OURS i applaud sony for this. Its not to clear at this point but even if we have to pay for multiplayer. I will pay. I assume by the way he frazed it that all other online features and apps will still be free (Netflix etc...)
Lol found this at the bottom of that video that guy posted.
Kinda looks like an upgrades version of the ps2. I really loved the look of the ps2.
I actually liked the way it looked. Much better then the xbox anyways. As long as it does what its supposed to i don't reallt care. It not like ill be starting at it while i play.
I respect sony for respecting our consumer rights. Once we buy the game it is ours to keep. sell. Or shit on. It is OURS i applaud sony for this. Its not to clear at this point but even if we have to pay for multiplayer. I will pay. I assume by the way he frazed it that all other online features and apps will still be free (Netflix etc...)
Im pretty happy with the whole thing. Imo the games they showed were much better then xbox. Can't wait. PS4 sold me on this one.
The ps4 is gunna be 399. wooo not paying 499 for xbox lol
Gotta pay to play online...StormyJoe
Id rather pay sony they Microsoft. At least sony knows our rights as consumers. Im fine with paying $5 a month.
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