Castlevania, Contra, Ikari Warriors, Double Dragon, Mega Man, Strider, Ghouls and Ghosts, R.B.I. Baseball, Track and Field.......Damn, I could go on for a while.
Sweet. I'm pretty old school. I play the old VC games more than my new Wii games. I guess that's because all I have is Wii Sports and Warioware. That will change when I get Twilight Princess or Super Mario Galaxy.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Mario World, Super Castlevania IV, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario Bros., Super Ghouls n' Ghosts, Super Mario 64...........
27. I turn 28 on the 16th. It would be sweet if my wife buys me a couple new games for my birthday. Holy crap. I'm so old. How many of you remember getting the NES when it first came out? Super Mario/Duck Hunt, Gyromite with that crazy robot thing, the freakin' power glove. Remember that movie The Wizard with Fred Savage? I saw that in the theater. Ahh, the 80's.
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