I believe in supply and demand, and when there is not enough supply, price goes up; therefore demand goes down. This dude demands a price cut, because $126 for a used copy of Stronghold for Mac is a rip-off.
So, the backstory here is that reading reviews for Age of Empires two has brought back the inner RTS junkie. Yes, I do consider AoE2 to be the greatest RTS of all time, with Starcraft following closely behind.
Now, I remember seeing a copy of Stronghold in an Apple story back in '03, so I thought I'd try to get my dirty grubby hands on a copy now. Unfortunately, due to the fact that copies of the game are scarce, I have to resort to the backstreets of this town. Do some dealin', gamblin', and throw a couple of guys in the trunk. Time to get out the ole' club.
I plan on buying a new copy of Age of Empires: Gold Edition for mac when I buy a computer later this month. I'm very...enraptured.