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nickyiscool Blog


Finished Deus Ex Human Revolution. At the moment my keyboard is broken and i'm using the on-screen keyboard. When I get a new one I will make a review. There are a lot of things I hate about this game, but there also is a lot of things I love. I will give my honest opinion once I get a new keyboard.


Dead Island is actually really fun and enjoyable in single player. I am having a blast and cannot wait to play co-op. I wish I could play more of it, but I promised myself I would finish and review Deus Ex: Human Revolution before Gears of War 3 comes out. Overall of what I am playing Dead Island is really good, but it will have to wait.

Favorite Games of All Time/Games looking forward to in 2011-2012.

I was wondering what your guy's favorite games/series of all time are you can use the generic Top 5 games or just list how many you want!
Also what you all are looking forward to from the rest of this year and anything that has been annouced for a 2012 release.

My Favorite Games of All time are Saints Row Series, Conker's Bad Fur Day/Reloaded, Jet Set Series, Shenmue Series, Soul Calibur Series, Tekken Series, Street Fighter Series, KOF Series, Metal Gear Series, Killer 7, Shin Megami Tensei Series, Persona Series, No More Heroes Series, Contact for the DS, Shadows of the Damned, Shadows of Colossus, Demon Souls, Yakuza Series, Kindom Heart Series, Way of the Samurai Series, Gears of War Series, Elder Scrolls 3 and 4 never played the older ones, Fallout Series, Mass Effect Series, Jade Empire, Jade Cocoon, Skies of Arcadia, Legend of Legaia, Grandia Series, Monster Hunter Series, Bioshock Series, Dead Rising Series, River City Ransom, Tomb Raider/Lara Croft Series, Hitman Series, Halo Series, Max Payne Series, WWE Series(Wrestling Fan Sorry!), and a guilty pleasure of mine is anything Koei makes SOOOOO ADDICTING!!!!

The games I am most looking forward to and is Day one purchase for me regardless of if people think its good or bad are -Bioshock Infinite, LOLLIPOP CHAINSAW(SUPER EXCITED!!!), Saints Row the Third, Gears of War 3, Soul Calibur 5, Tekken Hybrid and hopefully we get a console release of TTT2 PLEASE NAMCO!!!, Max Anarchy, Dead Island, Borderlands 2, Skyrim, Batman Arkham City, Mass Effect 3, Street Fighter X Tekken, Dark Souls, The Darkness 2, Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, Uncharted 3, Tomb Raider, Metal Gear Rising, Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom, Halo Combat Evolved HD, Halo 4, The Witcher:Rise of the White Wolf,I am Alive(If it ever Releases :D), True Crimes Hong Kong(THANK YOU SQUARE!!!), Kingdoms Of Amalur:Reckoning, Hitman: Absolution, The Last Guardian, Warriors: Legend of Troy(Xbox360 Ver.), Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations, Black Knight Sword, X-Men Destiny, Devil's Third, Dragon's Dogma, King of Fighters XIII and Lastly DmC.(Those are the games that came up in my head that I will buy day one of release.)

I know I have a huge List, but this is what I am actually Hyped for and My actual favorite games list, but if you want to know a top 5 for fav games it would be Conker's Bad Fur Day, Jet Set Radio, Shenmue II,Suda51 and PlatinumGames Games(I am obsessed with everything they release), and Rival Schools/ Project Justice,Tekken,Soul Calibur 2,Street Fighter 3rd Strike and Alpha 3,KOF 2002(They are in the same rank for me cause I love them all). Also My Top 5 Games 2011-2012 is Lollipop Chainsaw, Saints Row The Third, Tomb Raider, Street Figher X Tekken. Honorable Mention Skyrim and Mass Effect 3.

I'm excited to hear what your guy's list consist of!! Thank You!!!

Video Game A.I.

Video games recently can never get good A.I. of what i've seen or played. I've recently been playing Prototype again and the A.I. wasn't bad, but they didn't want to make you feel over powered so the made it so the A.I. hits you once or twice and half of your health is diminished which is just plain stupid. A recent game that I have played that has terrible A.I. is Deus Ex Human Revolution. As much as I love the game the A.I. can be cheap ass hell sometimes. When your hiding behind a wall they can sometimes sense you and get alerted somehow and they have the same treatment as Prototype with the over powered A.I. If you get into a gunfight there is no way out if you are out in the open all you can do is toss a nade and hope it stuns them before you die. This is just a little rant I had to get out and was frustrating me for a long time. Give me your opinion on A.I. in video games recently are they overly cheap, plain stupid, or just right.

Ninja Gaiden 2? is GOOD!!!!!

why that title cause i kinda lost hope for ninja gaiden 2.....untilll now!!!! i picked up ninja gaiden sigma 2 to give it a try and that game is sweet they took out that annoying gore and anime blood and made it ninja gaiden 1 style. This game is a true sequel in my opinon why. its because they actually give back story like what happend before ninja gaiden 2 and what happened to joe when u left him with genshin and the best part you get to play as Ayane(and momiji and rachel). Theres also a co-op mode where u can do missions with a friend. This is what a ninja gaiden sequel should be. So if u got a ps3 and is a fan of ninja gaiden ,pick this up! Oh yeah when u beat it dont skip the credits theres a little secret there. :D!!!