So there was this idea in my mind.
Why not kickstart KoA ?
Why not try to collect enough money to buy the license from the state of Rhode Island?
Too expensive?
Not enough backers?
Lets be honest:
KoA:R is a beautiful game overshadowed by the commercial failure of the franchise.
Some say it flopped because TES:V was nearby.
Some say it simply isnt that good.
With my +200 hours ingame i have to say that idk know what caused the problem.
Sure it isnt perfect...but what is perfect ?
Skyrim ? ehh nope
Mass Effect 3 ? nope
Witcher 2 ? Fallout 3 ? or even Diablo III ? ...nope again.
No game was ever perfect and no game was always loved by everyone.
And in the end beauty is still in the eye of the beholder^^
Alltogether KoA is a franchise that is more than worth to be revived.
With a buisness plan (economics student here^^) that involves backers
while choosing the best option when it comes to developers (if Rhode Islands is willing to sell the franchise) do you think my idea could eventually be successful?
It all depends on the price for sure.
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