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NiftyMitten Blog

Metal Gear Online

This post might seem a bit dated to some people and it's more of a question to the Gamespot public than it is an opinion piece. I've been taking breaks from Fallout 4 this week to try and get through the last couple missions of Metal Gear Solid 5 and possibly finally jump into some online gaming again (I pay for gold and barely use it's features these days.) But my concern is that Metal Gear Online may not be for me, I'm always open to new things but I also know what I like and just want to know if it's worth putting my time into something like this or should I wait for something like Rainbow Six: Siege to release (even though I think it will end just like Evolve did.) I've got the hankering for some competitive online shootyness and I'm hoping your opinions will help me make my decision.

So, does Metal Gear Online make the cut? Or is it something I should take a pass on?

Black Friday 2015

Oh yes, it's that time of year when material possessions take priority over human life and people line up at their local Wal-Mart at 3am to get a sweet deal on that new microwave. Alight maybe not, but consumer electronics are always the focus of Black Friday and that of course includes video games. Now I'm in Canada so we have Black Friday: Lite, you hope for a full flavor but in the end it's a watered down day with some reasonable deals. Being who I am, and actually thinking things through last year, I discovered that I could get similar deals through online shopping, specifically through eBay. I picked up my Xbox One and 3 or 4 games for it and it ended up being about 400 dollars in total with no fighting, pushing or swearing my Black Friday has been forever changed.

If you didn't know Black Friday deals were online you're welcome and secondly, what are you planning to shoot for on Black Friday 2015? Would you go back and play an older game if you can grab it for 10 bucks? Or are you looking for that new release marked down to 35 or 40 dollars? Personally I have some specific games that for whatever reason I didn't buy when they were brand new or because I didn't have my next gen console at the time of release. I'm really looking for a cheap cheap Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor as well as Dying Light. I'm hoping to find a hard copy of Assassins Creed Black Flag as the downloaded one I currently have is taking up precious storage space and I'm also looking for a racing game whether it be Forza 6, Need For Speed or even The Crew if the price is right. I may even give Destiny a shot if I can find The Taken King version. All of these are games I should have played but never got the chance too and I'm hoping Black Friday 2015 is as good as 2014 was for me.

What is the number one game on your lists this holiday season?

Fallout 4 Impressions

Hello! Welcome to my blog. If you're anything like me, you've been playing Fallout 4 for the past 9 days and are just returning to the world outside of the Commonwealth. If you've read the title then you'll know that this blog is based on what I've found peoples impressions of Fallout 4 to be. I've heard many different opinions on the game a lot of them revolving around the difficulty and how big the game is. First things first, the game is MASSIVE and it's exactly what you would expect from a Bethesda game with an insane amount of land to traverse with interesting things to see and do at every stop. The difficulty level of the game can be adjusted throughout the game but the default difficulty can best be described as tough but fair. I never felt cheated, I always found myself either re-tooling or looking for better gear to accomplish the current task at hand and eventually found myself cruising through the quests like they were tutorials. If you're reading this than maybe you agree, maybe you disagree but regardless of personal opinion and after 9 days of steady play time I think we can all agree that Fallout 4 is one of those games that should not be missed.

Year of Remastering

Devil May Cry 4 and Sleeping Dogs were two of my favourite games from the last generation, so obviously I understand companies re-releasing them on the new consoles. The issue I have with these remasters is the 60 dollar price tag. There is not enough to differentiate between the games to validate paying another 60 dollars for the same game. Usually improved graphics and "free" downloadable content is included in these re-masters to entice the buyer to open their wallets. I also understand we're in the time where developers don't release anything big, Battlefield: Hardline looks like something I would enjoy but there hasn't been much outside of that. So re-masters it is, and if they were 30-35 dollars I might consider picking one or two of them up, but to repay the full price that you payed when the games were a brand new experience seems foolish and a horrible way to restore faith in the games industry. Hopefully these teams have something at E3 to change my perspective on 2015 and make it a year to remember.