Devil May Cry 4 and Sleeping Dogs were two of my favourite games from the last generation, so obviously I understand companies re-releasing them on the new consoles. The issue I have with these remasters is the 60 dollar price tag. There is not enough to differentiate between the games to validate paying another 60 dollars for the same game. Usually improved graphics and "free" downloadable content is included in these re-masters to entice the buyer to open their wallets. I also understand we're in the time where developers don't release anything big, Battlefield: Hardline looks like something I would enjoy but there hasn't been much outside of that. So re-masters it is, and if they were 30-35 dollars I might consider picking one or two of them up, but to repay the full price that you payed when the games were a brand new experience seems foolish and a horrible way to restore faith in the games industry. Hopefully these teams have something at E3 to change my perspective on 2015 and make it a year to remember.
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