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nightember1 Blog

Final Fantasy 13 First Impressions. 9 Hours in.

So i got Final Fantasy 13, finally. been playing it religuously when not busy at my station or with other things (basically meaning all night long, yay for being nocternal)

So far i am enjoying it. while i can see what many others have mentioned in it being very linear, and straight forward in the first many hours of the game, personally it hasent killed it for me like it has others.

Being more of a story motivated gamer, im actually kinda enjoying the linear style this time as its putting more focus on the actual story, and not tempting me with distraction, as im often prone to following that temptation of distraction in more open ended games and it eventually drags me away from the story and i end up losing interest in the game.

Visually its amazing, with amazing CG cut scenes that i have come to be familier with in the final fantasy series, and game play visuals that are pretty awesome. i almost felt bad for killing some of those bosses just because how cool they looked.

Audio wise, another good mark, great sound track that gets stuck in my head sometimes. only pain about it is keeping my self from humming it around my station else i get my balls busted haha

Voice acting is good so far, beside the fact that i wish Vanille would shut the hell up from time to time.

Overall im enjoying it so far, and despite all the hate on the game, personally im loving it, story is keeping me motivated, cut scenes keeping me strangly aroused (giggity) and yeah. im gonna post a full review on it once i finally beat the entire thing. 9 hours is entirely to short to make a full credable review with after all lol

Probing the brain

every once in a while i like coming up with some kinda deep and real lesson like writing. its been a good while since i have done that, so right now while im in the right state of mind for the type of thing, ill do it right here on gamespot :P

so here it is my friends:

as human beings, war shall always wage. it is our curse we recieve for the minds we are given. we seek freedom, we seek to create our own path on a soil cluttered with the paths of so many others. we seek allies, we find foes. in the end your clothes are your uniform, your mind your weapon, and your voice and actions your bullets. fight for what you believe in, dont let the fire raging behind you ever catch up. plan your steps but never get to worried about planning your path, as it will be created on its own step by step. and when the fogs of war fade, enjoy every last moment, for right now, you are still here, and even if the world is burnt to ashes, fire as it is the essence of destruction, it also breeds new creation.

So im an expert [Prototype]

So after a day or two of achievment whoring in the game Prototype, apparently Gamespot has decided I have claimed enough ownage in the game to be considered a game expert for Prototype. I must say I approve :P

Care Free Acres - Truck Fire

So last week a call comes in for a vehicle fire and im deployed as EMS.
In the ambulance with me are Clark county medic: Peach, and Black hat fire fighter: Aaron Dawson (aka Radio)
The call described it as a out of control vehicle fire progressing up into the woods, and with the heat, this sounded like it was gonna be hell.

We start closing in on the mountain that its supposed to be located on and can already see the smoke from the bottom.
As we pull up all you see is a wall of fire, can barely even distinguish the actual vehicle it self.
We jump out of the ambulance and i grab Aaron a SCBA (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus) as im doing so, company 8's Engine flies past me barely missing the ambulance and my self.

I remained on standby by the ambulance as Peach took command roll and Aaron ran into the fire.
The hoses started blasting and the smoked roared as the fire began to die. It was a monster, but to our convenience it started to rain, hard.

As it started to pour i jumped into the ambulance as to be dry and prepared in case we needed to transport someone to the hospital. After 10 or so minutes passed Aaron stumbles to the back of the ambulance and opens the door looking exhausted as hell.
i say "damn man you alright? dont tell me we are gonna have to take your ass to the hospital haha" and he replies "hell no, just exausted, just get this damn pack off my back, my shoulders are killing me" i help him get it off and deactivate the pack and he heads back over.

After another five minutes peach and Aaron return and the fire is confirmed neutralized. We begin clean up, i get pictures, and we head out.

The truck it self was a pick-up truck carrying a lot of trash. unfortunatley, that gave it plenty of fuel to burn. The driver was apparently in the truck driving when it caught fire, and bailed as it lit up and the truck ran into a fence.

So where do I start?

So how long has it been? I guess I'll just go with a really, really long time. So lets catch up shall we?

Its been eventful. I moved out to Atlanta Georgia for a while. Had a lot of fun out there, worked for dominos for a bit, which sucked. lesson learned, dont ever work at a dominos. Moved back to Virginia and got a place. After jack assing around for a while i joined the fire department where i learned the art of mass murder of fires, as well as becoming an EMT.

Gaming wise, its all over the place, probably have some reviews up later.

Movie wise is about the same

Music wise i have made quite the advance in my vocalist interest,

Then we got the free running which i have also gotten a crap load better at.

Overall its been pretty good. Like i said, ill be posting some reviews, and also be posting some pictures later.

So yeah, thats my return blog, short sweet, and not that exciting :P