wooo! 100 th blog! ive bn waitin ta write tis...
well anywho 2 day @ skool n 1st pd aka english 2 we had a ides of march toga party 2 celebrate- i mean commemoratethe death of julius caesar. so we laydgames & ate roman food. it wuz so muc fun! like wen we got r drinks my lil group got sum grape juice (cuz it wuz n a wiine bottle) & toasted 2 caesar by sayin hale caesar! we drank sum... & r faces we like omfg tat wuz *shivers* so we added diet coke 2 it & it mellowd it out ten drank the rest of it. it wuz so funny! wish i remember i had brought my camera 2 take pics...
i made a new friend n 6th akaalg 2ta day... his name is brandon! he kool //_^
no wat time it is!?!
well... its spring break for me! wooo! *beaks out the party music & puts bac on my black makeshift toga*
wooo! *starts ta pary*