(hi guys)
i thought id be one of the lucky ones who escaped from dramas narrow grip but alas... i too have been claimed by it... i fell pray to it just like the rest... which... sucks
no like itreally sucks. i dont like it. i want to murder the people i have drama with but of course that is illegal... and i am a good girl...
ive lost a friend over this and its not my falt. shes the one who is owned/claimed by her freshman overlords (shes a junior) and she does what they say. im also pretty sure they told her not to talk to me but idk. she tells me things that shes not supost to tell me that the other person has told/done w her and that person was all like 'dont tell sam'. ha! i laugh at you...
some people need to learn not to tell me things likemarrage planes and such.
shes nailing her own coffin closed. and i refuse to help her undo what the cards of life have delt for her. i dont care if she gets crushed, stomped on, beaten, bruised, bashed inand to the point of suicide(not physically of course (though i wouldnt mind) i dont mean any harm) i will not help her. i kind of hope she fallowsin the steps of all who have come before her. she deserves it...
shes mean to me...
she sent me a msg on facebook (to bad i deleted it) and it said 'hi sam! im not allowed to talk to you' and i was like 'wtf! no! you do not say that to sam! *delete*' yes... that does make me pretty mad (more like pissed...) itswas a very unforgivable move for her... and she will not shut up about the head freshman of her group (the controllers) its like 'that girl that,thisgirl this' all the time... she obsessive compulsive over 3 animes that she is, sadly enough, destroying. putting pair together that WOULD NEVER happen... tisk tisk.bad move.
sorry guys... i just really badly had to tell someone and my muffin lives a different country (stupid time zones) i promise ill try really hard not to rant again...
i had an awesome xmas with mom/dad (whoo for 2 xmas) and a totally awesome birthday party! who knew playin laser tag while wearing glow sticks would actually make your game better lol
i got 20th (i think) the first game & 9th the second game //_^
i had soooo much fun! & guess what! were all going back soon! love free games...
i might put up some current pics... gifts... and my cake of course! cuz it beats all your guys cakes!
well... chow!
(i feel better now =3)